Recent Content by stephanietx

  1. stephanietx

    Cat with possible IBD getting too thin, how can I help him gain some weight back?

    I would ask the vet for something for nausea. We gave Ondansetron (Zofran) and sometimes Cerenia if the nausea was really bad. You could also ask for oral steroids to start daily at home to help reduce inflammation. If you didn't get the GI panel of bloodwork done, I'd recommend that as well.
  2. stephanietx

    Tumbles' Chronic GI & Urinary Issues (Timeline, long)

    Tumbles has had a drastic decline to his health. He's pretty much stopped eating, only picking at his food and not enough to sustain him. We have tried all the things, antacids, prednisolone, B12, and simethicone. We've tried all the various foods, too. Nothing is enticing him to eat. We took...
  3. stephanietx

    Cat has been losing weight but vet can't find anything

    I would ask for an ultrasound of her spleen, pancreas, liver, and intestines.
  4. stephanietx

    When Solensia isnt helping?

    What about adding something like Cosequin on Dasequin?
  5. stephanietx

    Are cat exercise wheels worth it?

    I have never seen kitties be attracted to the wheels on their own. They always seem to need prodding to use them. I think a better investment would be a cat tree or two cat trees, one shorter and one taller that she will be able to jump on and run up and down. You might also look to change her...
  6. stephanietx

    incision scar

    Most likely, all vets will be closed tomorrow. You might have to wait until Tuesday unless you go to an emergency clinic.
  7. stephanietx

    Constipation Meltdown!

    The gabapentin may be causing the slow motility and constipation. That's a common side effect of pain meds in humans and cats. Have you tried Miralax to help keep things moving? It can be added to food or my kitty likes it with a little baby food treat.
  8. stephanietx

    Any idea?

    Have you recently changed litter brands? It could be an allergy to that or as @tiggerwillow suggested, fleas.
  9. stephanietx

    Holistic Remedies for Asthma

    I have an asthmatic kitty and while I wish holistic remedies helped or worked, it's unrealistic. I do give my girl a daily dose of an oral antihistamine which helps somewhat, but she still gets nebulizer treatments and steroids as needed.
  10. stephanietx

    Sibling don't want to eat

    In a pinch, the Fancy Feast classic pates are good. I also like Instinct and RAWZ or ZiwiPeak
  11. stephanietx

    Possibly still in pain 3+ weeks after tooth extractions? Does anyone else see it or am I just crazy?

    It looks like a granuloma on her top lip. Those can be very painful, which would cause her eating to be off. They are usually caused by stress, which she had with going to the vet and the dental work done.
  12. stephanietx

    Hi everyone. Post dental concerns.

    Pawing generally indicates pain. Ask the vet for a different pain med than Metacam. There are better ones out there with fewer side effects.
  13. stephanietx

    Too much Prozac for my kitty??

    My kitty takes 5mg every other day to help control inappropriate elimination. When we first put him on it, it was 5mg daily for 30 days, then 5mg every other day for 30 days. The maintenance dose is every other day. We did wean him off of it briefly, but he had to go back on it because he...
  14. stephanietx

    Possible ear infection?

    Did she have a Convenia shot? It's known to have a laundry list of side effects.
  15. stephanietx

    HELP, Is my cat infertile?

    I would definitely talk with your vet. It's possible he's already been neutered or perhaps his testicles haven't descended. He does look neutered to me, though, but I am not a professional.