Recent Content by lizzie

  1. lizzie

    What's For Dinner? - 2024

    I made a goulash,garlic bread and a salad for us to share.
  2. lizzie

    What's For Dinner? - 2024

    He had a leftover meatloaf burger,a potato, gravy and the corn.I had a burger,rice and a salad.
  3. lizzie

    A vacation question

    I would go to the Outer Banks without a doubt......spend lots of time walking on the beach,go down to Oregon Inlet to watch the boats come in with their catch of the day,visit the outer islands and eat lots of fish.
  4. lizzie

    Question of the Day, Wednesday, May 29, 2024

    I love it when I first get up and sit down with my coffee.There are usually several lined up on their bench in front of the picture window to watch the baby squirrels and birds do their things,and now there are young downies,sparrows and chickadees out at the suet and feeder,learning where the...
  5. lizzie

    What's For Dinner? - 2024

    Didn't feel like turning on the oven so I made meatloaf burgers,some brown gravy,boiled a couple of redskin potatoes and fixed some buttered corn.
  6. lizzie

    Question of the Day - Monday, May 27, 2024

    Both of us have very thick hair,and I can't stand it being too long.We both go to our person every couple of months normally and she buzzes mine both sides and back...on top is maybe a bit over an inch long.She usually ends up cutting about an inch off his.
  7. lizzie

    What's For Dinner? - 2024

    Neither one of us were particularly hungry,so I had a chicken sandwich and he had a leg and thigh from the rotisserie chicken,and some cole slaw.Carcass and bones went in the freezer and I will make me some broth tomorrow.....maybe even some soup!
  8. lizzie

    What's For Dinner? - 2024

    Nothing fancy tonight...just leftovers from yesterday.
  9. lizzie

    Question of the Day, Friday 24 May Late Edition

    coffee,tea (hot or cold) and water.I do like coke zero,and pepsi zero is pretty good,although I don't drink much of it.I love Mt. Dew and Dr. Pepper but it's a rare treat.
  10. lizzie

    What's For Dinner? - 2024

    Well,the tortellini crockpot casserole was a big hit...actually the whole dinner was wonderful.So was dessert!I sent plenty home with the kids and there's plenty left for us.
  11. lizzie

    Question of the Day, Saturday, May 25

    I've never really met any bread that I didn't like...except for sourdough.Just not a fan.I make most of my own breads and we enjoy them all.Now Harry does like the 100% whole wheat we get at Aldis,and it's okay.I won't pay the prices the stores are asking for whole wheat flour,and rye flour...
  12. lizzie

    What's For Dinner? - 2024

    Crazy busy coming tomorrow to help get the air in the kitchen window,so I planned a meatless dinner....a cheese tortellini crock pot casserole...garlic bread and a nice salad,with a pineapple delight cake.Anyway our dinner tonight was just hot dogs and he fin ished up the potato salad.
  13. lizzie

    What's For Dinner? - 2024

    It is so humid here you can just about cut it with a knife.I reheated brats from the other night,and he had potato salad,and I reheated some chicken flavored rice and had that with mine.Neither of us really hungry.
  14. lizzie

    What's For Dinner? - 2024

    You may very well be right there.I know when you can fresh potatoes,they have you to soak them to help remove the excess starch...keeps the water from becoming too maybe that's where the potassium is hiding!I did use mayo though,and zucchini relish.
  15. lizzie

    What's For Dinner? - 2024

    I made a small batch of potato salad today and we had rotisserie chicken sandwiches on rye with a slice of good!