Recent Content by Kris107

  1. K

    Cat’s hair and skin

    If you end up being able to hold him long enough to wipe belly, then maybe trim his belly hair a little? Maybe try whe. He's relaxed and hold a treat tube so he's distracted?
  2. K

    Featured Ursodiol for pancreatitis and Cartrophen for FIC/Arthritis.

    I'm sorry to hear about your kitty... and I don't have direct experience with the conditions your baby has... I did have a cat with gall bladder issues (blockage) that we gave ursodiol to. Aside from taking the pill every day, she seemed to do okay on it with no noticeable side effects. That...
  3. K

    Featured Yeast paw advice

    First, I would take him to the vet so it can be looked at and maybe tested. If it is a fungus, that sometimes takes something else to kill than say a bacteria. I don't have any home-remedy type advice for fungus. Will he let you try to wipe the area at all?
  4. K

    Are these plants/flowers toxic to cats?

    Did you use Google lens to identify them? If so, just put in the plant name + toxic to cats and see what it says. A lot of plants cause gastrointestinal upset if ingested but aren't overly serious. It is always good to check though.
  5. K

    Older cat won’t leave new kitten alone!

    Yep! They will have to learn boundaries. You just want to be the ref in case the fight is unfair or someone is not getting the hint. If youngest keeps going back, then it's probably okay. For me, sometimes a stern "[insert cat name]..." helps remind the cat.
  6. K

    Older cat won’t leave new kitten alone!

    It sounds like your middle child might have some over-stimulation. Mine - if he plays too much, you can almost see him switch and he sort of just loses all his sense. He becomes this hyper wild cat who has no rules. When we see he's gotten that way, we separate him from our other cat just to...
  7. K

    Concern about spay incision after 12 days

    That looks okay to me... Just keep watching it. You don't want there to be any discharge/ooze. If it's dry and the skin around is nice and pale (vs red/pink) then it should be fine. That looks pretty scabby to me, so in a couple more days it should come off or at least look better. So glad you...
  8. K

    Featured Can my pregnancy be affecting my kitty?

    The new meowing could be a lot of things. Could be that now that you're home she wants you to do things for her (servant!), or she detects changes with you and the house, or health (can't rule it out), or age-related changes. But, if her health seems good otherwise (appetite, activity...
  9. K

    Diarrhea in 2 yr old cat

    It could be many things - something transient or worms or he ate something or stress or ... Best to get a sample to your vet and rule some things out. It could resolve on its own or need an intervention. I'm glad he acting good otherwise. Diarrhea can dehydrate so watch for that until it resolves.
  10. K

    Cat aggression after being neutered

    The boy came back smelling and acting weird, so your girl reacted like she didn't know him. It is often referred to as non-recognition aggression. You can seach the forums for that term to see other threads and advice in the topic. Love on your boy. Get him smelling like home again. Let him...
  11. K


    From what I know, people here love pictures.
  12. K


    Ha! Your cats are so high! My current cats don't have a huge catnip reaction, but I still plant them some every year. It's okay if they pull off leaves and chew on it a little. A previous cat would even do it to the new growth leaves - nibble it to the nub. Maybe those were more potent or tasted...
  13. K


    That's quite the bush of it! That's going to bring all the cats to the yard!
  14. K

    Kitten refuses to eat

    I've sometimes put a tiny kitten sized piece of the wet food inside the front of the mouth and see if she can practice chewing. She may spit it out a few times.
  15. K

    Kitten refuses to eat

    Have you tried giving some to her (slowly) via syringe or by hand? Some cats have trouble with the mechanics of chewing. Is she acting like the other kittens otherwise?