Recent Content by AbbysMom

  1. AbbysMom

    Bruce eye half open

    I'm so sorry for your loss. :hugs:
  2. AbbysMom

    Begins and ends with A - Z

    Time to close!
  3. AbbysMom

    Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

    OMG Cindy! I am shocked by this and crying as well! I’m so sorry. :hugs: We all feel guilt when this happens but you always did right by your boy and don‘t ever question that. It sounds like you did all you could during his last days and the vet agreed. Rest in peace sweet boy...
  4. AbbysMom

    Feline Funny Haircuts

    This isn’t my cat but the one at my vet’s office:
  5. AbbysMom

    Cloud fare

    There was a datacenter issue earlier and the site was down. If you have Facebook Anne posted a notice -
  6. AbbysMom

    Picture of the Month Competition: May 2024: "It wasn't me"

    Just a reminder to all: If you are posting a picture in this thread please label your picture as "Entry" or "Not an entry". If you do not label your picture as entry it may not get counted towards the competition.
  7. AbbysMom

    Picture of the Month Competition: May 2024: "It wasn't me"

    @Caspers Human Is this an Entry?
  8. AbbysMom

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, May 14

    Salmon pie. :barfgreen:
  9. AbbysMom

    Question of the Day, Wednesday, May 15, 2024

    Text or email.
  10. AbbysMom

    Who still eats mcdonalds kentuky fried,etc ?

    I used to get the premium chicken strips and the salads from McDonalds but they don't sell either anymore. I do like their breakfast burritos and get them once in a while. I may get chicken strips from Kentucky Fried chicken once or twice year.
  11. AbbysMom

    Question of the Day, Friday, 10 May, 2024

    It's a long list. :lol: I need a sofa as well. A new dining room set. A new kitchen, Someone to clean my house, a weekend away, a gardener.....
  12. AbbysMom

    Spring allergies

    Allergies have been awful this year. :(
  13. AbbysMom

    Question of the Day, Saturday, May 11

    My husband is very upset this has been canceled. I've got a fairly big list and will never remember them all. Sopranos Bones Top Chef MASH Seinfeld New Amsterdam The Resident Friends House Frasier Cheers Monk NCIS (OG, LA, New Orleans)
  14. AbbysMom

    What's a phrase.....

    "We don't bite in this house"