Goodbye Mr. Sonic


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Jun 1, 2022
I have a deep respect for men that can admit they have shed tears over the loss of a pet, friend, family member, etc. I don't see it as a weakness, I see it as strength. So please don't think you are too old to be doing so, because IMO it's just not true.
My adopted Dad was a man who was built like a linebacker. He was tall, broad, and a big guy. He was also a sweet, loving man who loved people and animals. When his Miniature Schnauzer passed, he held her body close to him and cried. I must have learned something from him, because when I lost my dog, and my cats, I did the same. The vet had to come to the house to put my Papillon dog to sleep. When it was done, I held him in my arms like a baby, just as I had done for almost 14 years, and cried harder than I can remember crying in a long time. When I woke up early one morning in January and realized my sick cat had passed in his sleep, I did the same, telling him what a great cat he was, and how sorry I was, and telling him he was in such a better place now and didn't have to worry about anything anymore. Not everyone agrees, but for me, they really are like losing a beloved family member because they ARE beloved family members. :hugs: