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  1. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, May 28

    Hello everyone! Happy Tuesday! 🌻 What's the most unexpected friendship you've formed in an unusual place? Two actually, both older gentlemen at the nursing home I used to work at - one a resident and the other a visitor. Very kind, interesting people!
  2. cassiopea

    Question of the Day, Sunday May 26th

    I really like a lot of women Renaissance artists, like Judith Leyster and Sofonisba! But I also really like Manet and Degas :)
  3. cassiopea

    What's the Weather and Temperature like where you live ? - 2024

    It has been lovely lately, sunny at around 25C. It is suppose to rain later today though!
  4. cassiopea

    Question of the Day, Friday 24 May Late Edition

    Sparkling water/club soda Tea/coffee Dr Pepper, Coke or Pepsi Grapefruit Juice
  5. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, May 21

    Hello hello! Happy Tuesday! My Birthday is this Thursday 🎂 What was the first ever movie you remember watching in the theatre? 101 Dalmatians (1996) I would have been around 8 years old :)
  6. cassiopea


    Raspberries Strawberries Blackberries
  7. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, May 14

    *Late Edition* My apologies for my tardyness! Yesterday was a crazy day - for one, my BF was sent to the ER due to a workplace accident. He is OK thankfully and now back home, but has some fractures and will need surgery at some point. Now on to the Q: What meal from your childhood...
  8. cassiopea

    Question of the Day, Wednesday, May 15, 2024

    With my closest friends and family, certainly verbal communication face to face. Otherwise I prefer text or email :)
  9. cassiopea

    The Positive Thread - 2024

    My boyfriend and I won a couples photoshoot contest! With a high end photographer.
  10. cassiopea

    What's a phrase.....

    What's a phrase that would be weird to say to a human but not to your cat? "You got a little poopie stuck to your bum fur that I need to remove" "Your primordial sack is really hanging low there/Look at that jelly belly!" "There you go, sitting on my face again"
  11. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, May 7

    Greetings! Happy first Tuesday of May 🌸🌼🌷 As a kid, what did you wear to be "cool"? First comes to mind was platform shoes. They had a moment of being trendy/popular. Good times :lol: (*Whether I was actually cool is up for debate)
  12. cassiopea

    Question of the Day, Sunday May 5th

    I'm not the greatest at remembering birthdays, I think I know around 3 or 4 by heart :lol: Same with anniversaries, I just know my parents, my BF's and I, and one of my closest friends (Mainly because I was the bridesmaid at the wedding). Thank goodness for calendars and social media reminders!
  13. cassiopea

    What smiley describes how you are feeling today - 2024

    Thank you asking <3 My father's health is poor and is nearing the stages of end of life.
  14. cassiopea

    The Positive Thread - 2024

    It has been a crazy last couple of weeks. On the plus side, today was beautiful weather rise! And my garden is doing well.
  15. cassiopea

    Question of the Day, Friday 3 May, 2024

    Roses Lilly of the Valley Peonies Lilacs
  16. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, April 30

    Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday 🌻 How do you hope people describe you? Smart, interesting, creative, knowledgeable, kind, elegant and appreciatively helpful.
  17. cassiopea

    Question of the Day - Monday, April 29, 2024

    Tinder! I only wanted to try it for a couple of days then delete it, as my expectations weren't too high and had previous online dating fatigue. 'Lo and behold, we matched on my last day on the app, chatted for a week then met in person at a café. The rest is history <3
  18. cassiopea

    Choose Two - Favourite Spring Flowers 🌷

    Lilacs and Lilly of the Valley!
  19. cassiopea

    Zodiac Signs as Spring Veggies

    That is a really nice description 😊 Mine just describes my love for afternoon snacks (Granted, not wrong) but then how much I would love radishes with a baguette and butter :lol: ah well!