Search Results

  1. mrsgreenjeens

    Temptations Pate in Gravy (mini Review)

    Interesting. Temptations is certainly branching out. I have been buying their lickables since they are less expensive than Churus, but had no idea they also sold actual food. Thanks for the info.
  2. mrsgreenjeens

    Dr. Elsey's Formula Change

    I live in the U.S. and can find First Mate at my local pet food store. NOT a big box store, but a small store. You might see if a local store can order it for you, or even call the mfr and see if they would send you a sample bag first. If you go to their website, you can key in your zip code...
  3. mrsgreenjeens

    Diarrhea in 2 yr old cat

    It's possible there was a formula change in that food. Happening with some frequency lately, at least with wet food...not sure about dry, but probably.
  4. mrsgreenjeens

    Diarrhea in 2 yr old cat

    In the meantime, in case your Vet isn't open on the weekend, you can try giving him some plain yogurt since it has live cultures in it that might help the issue. It has helped my cats in the past when they've had diarrhea, although they never had it for 3 straight days (possibly because I gave...
  5. mrsgreenjeens

    Oral cancer gums bleeding

    I'm so sorry that this is happening so soon after his treatment :alright:. There is really no way for us to know if it's close to the end or not. Is he still eating and acting like he was before the bloody drool started? If so, then it may not be time yet. Your appointment is Monday, but are...
  6. mrsgreenjeens

    Hyperthyroid Diagnosis

    If you absolutely cannot get her medication into her, even using that marvelous method shown above, there is a food made especially for hyperthyroid cats. The issue with that is that you cannot feed them ANYTHING else with it, including any treats, and it's probably not kidney friendly. This...
  7. mrsgreenjeens

    Limbic Encephalitis - Rare autoimmune disease and seizures

    Wow! Kudos to you for all you are doing for Pom. I'm wondering if many more cats actually have this than is reported because we often see threads about cats drooling and/or twitching and often with no diagnosis. As far as how Flick reacts when Pom has a seizure, it's hard to know what is...
  8. mrsgreenjeens

    Dental issues in senior cat w/ heart murmur

    I am so glad you are going with a different Vet. Masking down has been associated with cardiac issues in some patients, so for a cat who already has needed an Echo, proposing this procedures seems absolutely ridiculous (IMHO).
  9. mrsgreenjeens

    Dental issues in senior cat w/ heart murmur

    I'm glad she is going to be able to get a thorough dental, if you decide to go that route. Be aware, if your Vet didn't already tell you, that cats can get what are called FORLs, and the only way they are really seen is with xrays of their mouths during the dentals because they occur below the...
  10. mrsgreenjeens

    Beginner cat nutrition help?

    Here is an article in how to pick the best cat food: How To Choose The Right Food For Your Cat - TheCatSite So am I reading correctly that she is only eating 4 Tablespoons of (wet) food per day and that's it? Is she losing weight on that tiny amount? I understand she is a small cat, but that...
  11. mrsgreenjeens

    Help with Recoving FIP cat Food Tendency (spoiled with treats)

    I don't know if this is helpful or not, but Sheba makes a Trout Cuts that both of my boys will eat, yet they will not touch the FF Trout, even with toppers. What I am getting at is that every brand is different, even if the protein is the same. So keep trying different foods all the timem to...
  12. mrsgreenjeens

    Should I be concerned about muscle atrophy?

    I agree with doing blood work now, however, I would like to discuss the change in diet. WHAT did you change to/from? If you lowered the amount of protein she is getting, that can actually cause some muscle loss in cats. They need a lot of animal protein in their diet, and many cat foods these...
  13. mrsgreenjeens

    Dental issues in senior cat w/ heart murmur

    As far as her not eating, not sure what you feed her, but have you tried giving her a pate blended with a little water or KMR (for added calories) so that all she needs to do is lap it up and not try to chew anything? Hoping she is able to get that dental once the echo is finished and you...
  14. mrsgreenjeens

    Omeprazole administration cats

    I don't know if you are familiar with this site, Tanya's Comprehensive Guide to Feline Chronic Kidney Disease - Appetite Loss, Nausea and Vomiting, but it has quite a bit of information regarding both Omeprozole AND famotidine, and they actually recommend famotidine over the other. That site...
  15. mrsgreenjeens

    Zena now possibly toxo pneumonia again!

    You may need to assist feed him for awhile. Then if you can get the nausea under control with Cerenia or Zofran, perhaps he'll start eating again on his own. It's good that whoever you talked to last at the clinic said it would be ok to give him the Cerenia injection. Now let's just hope they...
  16. mrsgreenjeens

    Zena now possibly toxo pneumonia again!

    Have you tried giving the medication immediately AFTER he has eaten? Sometimes having food in the stomach can help ease the nausea, and clindamycin can be given either way.
  17. mrsgreenjeens

    Hi everyone. Post dental concerns.

    I agree that what you describe sounds more like nausea. And when my cat had teeth removed because of FORLs, I also did not give any pain meds because he didn't seem to need them. They sent them home with us, but he seemed fine without them.
  18. mrsgreenjeens

    Weight loss, ravenous appetite and vomiting

    Did your Vet discuss what the side effects are and what to look for? I would give them a call and tell them what is going on.
  19. mrsgreenjeens

    Clogged anal sacs - two cats

    Since you WERE adding water, is there any reason why you stopped? I would say since there stools are hard and dry, at the very minimum start adding water to their food again, as that could help soften the stools some. And experimenting with dosing the Miralax is worth a try too, as mentioned...
  20. mrsgreenjeens

    Cat being picky….and only wants treats

    Check out this thread to see if anything there might help: Any Good Tips To Get Your Cats To Eat? Share Them Here! I have a very picky cat, and once he decides he doesn't like a particular food, that's it. He will starve himself rather than eat it again. So I am constantly on the lookout...