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  1. epona

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    Thank you! He is so sweet too, I call him my teddy bear cat because he is so cuddly, he has never ever gone "that's enough now" like most cats will when they've had enough attention - he just wants to be cuddled all the time. When we have guests he will go around the room and sit on everyone's...
  2. epona

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    It's very difficult to get a photo of him where he doesn't look out of proportion - because he is almost always on me and looking at me, so his face is always right up close to the camera/phone! Here's a better one from earlier in the year
  3. epona

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    Here is a photo of him from yesterday, I love him so much. Yes he's a bit underweight, he has CKD also, he is very loved and well cared for. Nothing is too much trouble for me to do for my lovely sweet boy.
  4. epona

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    I didn't mean that cats are unintelligent in general, just that this particular one is a bit different and wasn't breathing when he was born and I've long thought he could have some issues related to birth anoxia, he's also really quite uncoordinated (even when not on gabapentin, I've seen him...
  5. epona

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    He's an elderly OSH, honestly not very intelligent to start out with, and possibly a bit mentally doddery in his old age - his lifelong friend and my soul cat Sonic died 2.5 years ago and since then he's been an only cat, he wants to be on me all the time. So if I have a towel and a puppy pad on...
  6. epona

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    Yeah I know it sounds a bit odd - but tbh he is a bit of an odd cat, and when he was younger he liked to wee on laundry or on our bed and then he would go to sleep there - I would have said it's not likely except for my past experiences with Jakey and his toileting habits. I mean - currently he...
  7. epona

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    He's been a lot perkier since I reduced his gabapentin dose - got his energy back, can walk properly, spent a good portion of the late afternoon sitting up and mithering me for attention and food like he normally would :D He's still weeing on the puppy pads/towels I put on my lap and in his...
  8. epona

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    Thanks, I'll phone the vet before the end of the week to double check that, sometimes there's a lot of information to take in during a consultation, and it never hurts to double check! Just been having an awful week, our washing machine caught fire during a spin cycle on Monday and we had to...
  9. epona

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    Feeling rather more positive after the vet visit, and the sun's out today so he's perked up a bit, he's currently on his sunbed by the window enjoying the warmth and light :) Vet suggested a 3 day taper before stopping the gabapentin as he's only on a low dose that should be sufficient, so I'm...
  10. epona

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    Phoned the vet surgery - our regular vet is away for the next 3 weeks, but the locum wants to see Jakey tomorrow. Please wish us luck. He's still eating well, grooming himself (well as much as he ever did, he's never had a high standard of grooming, usually just his face!) and still kissing me...
  11. epona

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    I will ask the vet on Tuesday when they are open, I want to taper him off now and see how is does when he's off it. Belly bands/nappies will be absolutely last resort for him, he doesn't accept anything on or around him (harness, body suit after surgery etc.) I just don't think he will accept...
  12. epona

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    I've done a bit of reading and it seems that Gabapentin can (not always, but as a an uncommon side effect) cause urinary incontinence due to relaxation of the urinary sphincter - in both humans and cats, usually starting after a few days use and usually resolving after discontinuing the drug...
  13. epona

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    The reason I was concerned about bladder damage due to the infection going untreated at first is because generally most healthy cats will not wee where they are sitting and then continue to sit in a puddle of wee - if it's just a case of going in the wrong place, they still tend to squat and...
  14. epona

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    Thanks, it's just me thinking aloud really - need somewhere to talk about it. I'm currently in a situation where everything is covered in wee and it's a bit stressful - he's just weed on my lap again a few minutes ago, I've been sleeping on the sofa with him to help him due to the ataxia and...
  15. epona

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    He is on Synulox (a branded antibiotic blend of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid), 50mg twice a day at 6am and 6pm. Gabapentin for pain relief, 25mg (a low dose, he started out on 50mg but due to CKD wasn't clearing it out of his system within 12 hours so the dose was halved) twice a day at noon...
  16. epona

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    He is currently just weeing wherever - he just went on my lap, didn't squat or anything, wee just came out of him while he was sitting here. I keep trying to remind myself he's only been on antibiotics since Saturday, but I'm terrified he might have permanent bladder damage or something because...
  17. epona

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    Thanks everyone! Tests showed it was a bacterial infection, so he's on antibiotics now, hopefully that will sort him out. It's all a bit of a worry (both the illness and the medications) due to the CKD, hopefully he comes out the other side in one piece and with all his organs still...
  18. epona

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    I know all the advice and have re-read the Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) | International Cat Care link. Just really want to ask for good vibes for my darling Jakey. He's 17 years old, never had any bladder issues before but has CKD and has been on Fortekor for 18 months or so...
  19. epona

    Merlin's death from pneumonia or something else

    Oh my goodness, I've read some of your other thread and I just want to say my heart goes out to you and Merlin, I am so sorry for your loss and I hope you get some answers :(
  20. epona

    We had to put our Stanley down this morning

    I am so sorry for your loss. I think it's important to remember that actually in animals a lot of cancers go undetected until they get very serious symptoms or stop eating or lose a lot of weight - humans can say "I keep getting a pain here" or "I'm having this particular symptom" and are more...