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  1. Kopanova


    Ugh what to say what to say. We'll first of all, the kids are doing FANTASTIC. Vitanni is an absolute DELIGHT now that she actively seeks attention when she wants it. My boyfriend and her have definitely bonded but he still on occasion has those little set backs when he picks her up. (She...
  2. Kopanova


    9 month old Ranger and 7 month old Kopa having a snuggle session while Kopa grooms himself
  3. Kopanova


    Video of Kovus Purr Shakes Side Note** How do I embed videos? @tarasgirl06
  4. Kopanova

    My Boyfriend is constantly Chasing and teasing my cats, what should I do.

    As someone who has a boyfriend whom did this at the beginning of my relationship... My boyfriend already had 2 cats when I came into the relationship with my 6 year old German Shepherd. For the first idk... 2 days? The cats ran from my girl like crazy, no matter how hard I tried to keep them...
  5. Kopanova


    I thought that at first but he doesn't have Any tremors when he sleeps, it's only when he's purring.
  6. Kopanova


    Things have gotten SO MUCH BETTER!!! Boyfriend and I finally sat down had a very serious discussion about Vitanni and he's finally realized the errors, and she has BLOSSOMED almost over night. She now will come out and greet him, let him pet her for a second or two and will even give him a few...
  7. Kopanova

    Advice Appreciated...

    My boyfriend would never declaw her. He loves the animals, and He would have me, his sisters, his mom and pretty much every other member in his family on him like white on rice if he EVER did something so cruel.
  8. Kopanova

    Advice Appreciated...

    No she's terrified of people in general. She accepts me and the boys and slowly getting accustomed to my 6 year old German Shepherd female. However, he does live here, so I just try to give her as many hiding places as I can and when he's not around, I usually let her and the boys kind of "take...
  9. Kopanova


    I want to do kind of like a "vlog" type deal where I post daily pics of the babies to show how they progress
  10. Kopanova

    Advice Appreciated...

    So... I need some new advice. However, it's not for the cat. Some of you know I recently got my new Highlander Lynx Girl, Vitanni. (There she is Below). She and I are bonding slowly. It's been 3 weeks I believe? And (at least with me) she's blooming BEAUTIFULLY! We have a schedule. We get up...
  11. Kopanova

    Any Advice Greatly Desired

    UPDATE!!!:: VITANNI has gained an entire 1.5 lbs since being in her new home! I found out she LOVES chicken flavored treats! I've been feeding her a few every time we have a play session (so roughly about 3 to 4 Twice a day). Since it is only her first week she's not TOTALLY comfortable being...
  12. Kopanova

    I deffinitely need some advice...

    Cats shake when they are happy?! I had no idea! I mean he is usually purring when he shakes but I know that purring doesn't mean he's happy all the time as it can be a sign of pain. He seems relaxed though? I will have to see if I have any videos of it. I know I do just don't remember which...
  13. Kopanova

    I deffinitely need some advice...

    No no don't apologize I didn't explain properly or proof read so that's my fault. Honestly, I never thought of that. Temp regulation issues never crossed my mind. I will deffinitely start doing that. Thank you :)
  14. Kopanova

    I deffinitely need some advice...

    And the kids aren't visiting they live with us.
  15. Kopanova

    I deffinitely need some advice...

    Sorry I must not have added that. The shaking was part of the coughing and sneezing that I noticed. I noticed the symptoms all at the same time.
  16. Kopanova

    I deffinitely need some advice...

    So here's the situation, you guys all know I have 2 dogs and 3 cats. The 2 male cats are siblings, My female is new, and the dogs are super sweethearts. So this is something I have noticed about my Boy Kovu, LONG before we brought Vitanni home so I know she isn't the cause. We have taken him to...
  17. Kopanova

    Any Advice Greatly Desired

    Interesting! I'll definitely look into that! As for parasites, according to her vet records when I got her she had already been dewormed. And her last vet check 2 weeks ago was clean of parasites so I don't think it's that but she has a vet appt next Tuesday and they are gonna do a full work up...
  18. Kopanova

    Taking a Guess

    Isn't it gorgeous? This is her mom, has the same distinct coloring but can see the true Highlander Lynx look with her. And the cage isn't actually a cage. Just a spare kennel with the door removed to give her a nice dark hiding spot.
  19. Kopanova

    Taking a Guess

    Oof! No thank you! Lol while gorgeous my girl is not suitable for breeding, the only reason the babies haven't been neutered/spayed is I'm waiting for the one year mark. Give them PLENTY of time to grow. But don't worry! ALL interactions between my males and my Lil female is STRICTLY...
  20. Kopanova

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