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  1. S

    Need more ideas on catching last feral

    Update: She finally brought her babies to me. I caught them last week one-by-one. Two boy tabbies and a little girl tortie. Of course they are adorable and young enough to become good pets. They're going to the vet on Monday. Now I'm back to trying for Mama. The whole group of frontyard kitties...
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    Need more ideas on catching last feral

    I apologize for the length of this post. I know it's long. I have decades of experience with cats, including ferals, but must first give thanks and a tip of my hat to the cat lovers on this board. I have learned so much reading the advice and solutions here. I really appreciate the knowledge...
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    abandoned kitten

    This is just a thought, but if you receive another pricey prescription, consider trying GoodRX to fill it. It's saved me a lot of money in the past and I can't see why you wouldn't be able to fill something like Clavamox through them.
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    Need Advice on PU Surgery Wound

    I read your story about seeing a specialist recently and I agree it makes all the difference in the world with this surgery. When my boy was in and out of the emergency hospital consistently with blockages and infections, my vet strongly recommended he have this surgery. We put it off feeling...
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    Post pics of calicos, tortieshells and orange cats here!

    Tarzan and another photo of how he got his name. About nine months old and never stops moving.
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    Need Help rehoming, or finding a shelter

    I am not going to try to talk you out of finding your kitty a home, but want to share my experience because I think it may be helpful. And I wish you all the luck in the world. Your description reminds me of our Sami. She was one of six feral kittens we rescued. We found an excellent lifetime...
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    Accidentally getting rid of neighbor’s cat.

    Abandoning an animal is a crime where I live. People who do that can be prosecuted. And morally it's reprehensible. I knew a woman who thought she was doing a local stray a favor by dropping it off at a fish market. The fish market had an established colony. Colony cats normally don't allow new...
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    Any ideas on homing socialised feral older kittens?

    Thanks so much for sharing your story. I hate that you lost a colony like that. Such a horrid thing to do. I hope that people like that receive a visit from the same evil they perpetuated. That may not be nice, but I can't think nice things about the kinds of individuals who would harm cats or...
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    Any ideas on homing socialised feral older kittens?

    Thank you for all these replies. I haven't been near my computer over the holidays, so I've just now had a chance to respond. I also have physical constraints with my hands and can't always type, so sometimes replies get away from me. My apologies. I have a managed colony on my property, but...
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    Any ideas on homing socialised feral older kittens?

    Hi poolcat, I'll keep that in mind. I know when someone finds a stray and posts it on Neighbors, there are generally lots of people who say they will take it if the owners aren't found. I am deeply suspicious of people who just jump in and offer to take an animal without knowing anything about...
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    Any ideas on homing socialised feral older kittens?

    I'm experienced with cat colonies and TNR. Currently we have a colony of 8, 4 males and 4 females.They live in our backyard and the wooded area adjacent to our yard. It's a pretty stable colony and the cats are healthy and well-cared for. Back in the spring two of the females showed up with...
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    Cat yowls when eating alone

    The issue of mental decline is something I never considered. I have an older tabby with multiple medical issues, most of which are treatable, and he occasionally walks around the house howling at the top of his lungs. He's always been quirky and literally trails me everywhere I go, but...
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    Tips for socialising feral cats in a shelter environment?/ongoing news and issues

    You are doing a fabulous job! And I know how hard it can be. But this is some of the most rewarding hard work you can do in the feline world. I am going to suggest playing with them. Get them some balls and a package of those little plastic springs they sell on Chewy and a fishing pole with a...
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    Just learned Outdoor cats being re-homed

    I absolutely agree with the wise previous posters who've urged you to find out as much as you can about this group and get involved if possible. Also, you might consider speaking with the management and explaining that colonies often don't accept new members (except kittens that are born to...
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    Leaving kitten alone for three days?

    I would either leave him with your sister (I agree with FeebysOwner that everything should be in one room) or confine the little fellow to one room and have your nephew check on him. I would not under any circumstances have someone you suspect of drug use stay with him. I am not saying it would...
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    Need Advice on PU Surgery Wound

    My boy Mr. Peabody had the same surgery about two years ago after a lifetime of urinary blockages. We had spent a fortune at the emergency vet dealing with these life and death issues and finally gave in to the inevitable and went for the surgery. Like shadowsrescue above said, it's a long...
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    Captured Stray

    MY two are on 1/4th tab of Cerenia every three days and Prednisolone 5 mg every other day. I have a kitchen calendar that is coded so I know which cat gets what and when. Both of those kitties also take other meds (one for thyroid and one for a heart problem). And Jimmy was recently diagnosed...
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    Captured Stray

    I agree with you on the irritable bowl. I have two kitties with it and they have meds I give them at night to help. I hope Tommy gets better soon. What you've done for him has not only saved his life, but also prolonged it. I think people who don't like animals are sad and broken, but people...
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    Found this site very helpful

    Thanks, everyone. My kitties rule the roost around here!
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    Found this site very helpful

    Meet Sherman and Mr. Peabody. Sherman likes boxes and the smaller they are, the more he likes them. Mr. Peabody likes to snuggle with a crate liner. We call it his "girlfriend." Sherman is spicy, bossy and very much in charge. Peabody is sweet and low key. They're brothers rescued from a...