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  1. Purrfect Meow

    post funny cat picture and memes here

    @mani What is the device the tail is pointing too? Second question does he or she stay in that position long?
  2. Purrfect Meow

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    Housing today is crazy. I see people with full time jobs who cannot afford to live anywhere but in their cars or on the street. Unfortunately condo boards...etc...forget that the money collected is not for their personal use and like @Kwik said "they pretty much spend your hard earned money...
  3. Purrfect Meow

    post funny cat picture and memes here

    I have this happen every day!
  4. Purrfect Meow

    Ask a silly question and get a silly answer

    @Stormy accepts you Thank you for asking this question, as soon as I saw it I started to laugh. Answer: I sure think so, as its the only way I can make sense of this crazy world. Question: If its said you can't see the forest for the trees, what are you looking at?
  5. Purrfect Meow

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    I can just imagine you doing that. I would love to do the same thing. One of my cats use to come out on the back deck with me, sit on my chair with me, have a little taste of the whip cream on my strawberries and look out at the bees and butterflies flitting around my backyard. People use to...
  6. Purrfect Meow

    Merlin's death from pneumonia or something else

    Merlin and Marlon look lovely in those pictures. They are so lucky to have known you. It is wonderful that you helped these cats as so many never get the help they need. It is even more wonderful that you show such empathy. You must be a very special human being. Take time for yourself...
  7. Purrfect Meow

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    I just stopped laughing after I "saw" your reply. Many years ago I had just bought my first lighted extension. I could finally tell if I had power. I am out with my power saw making a cat house for the stray in the neighbourhood that sleeps on my deck in the winter (Covered deck with a box...
  8. Purrfect Meow

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    I just had to comment, robot mowers work great if you don't have anything abnormal in your lawn, like the odd sprinkler head that is a tag too high or where the raccoons were digging for grubs. Maybe the new ones have better sensors, but the one I saw had the owner turning the air blue after...
  9. Purrfect Meow

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    Most of my tools are cordless as well, but I remember the days of corded tools since I still have mine but don't regret losing the cord. I can't tell you how many times I have been in some tight spot, under a car, in a crawl space, in an attic only to find I need 6 more inches of cord. I know...
  10. Purrfect Meow

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    I don't think we are quite there yet with some battery products. I have a battery vacuum that is wonderful, but then I don't have carpets. I have battery weed eaters and leaf blowers that both work well. I found my battery snow blower frustrating and bought a new Toro gas. Now I am doing...
  11. Purrfect Meow

    Merlin's death from pneumonia or something else

    “I know for certain that we never lose those we love, even to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories.” —Leo Buscaglia Merlin knew you loved him and we all know you loved him. RIP Merlin.
  12. Purrfect Meow

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. - Unknown Recovery is never easy, but always worth wile.
  13. Purrfect Meow

    Ask a silly question and get a silly answer

    Dogs guard and cats nap. So dognapping takes on a serious tone of the theft of a dog, whereas cats blissfully sleep (nap) in delightful positions that make us smile, thus catnapping. If being out in the sun is bad for the skin, why is a suntan considered good but a sunburn considered bad?
  14. Purrfect Meow

    5 letter word game

    I had to look up belet and relet. Learn something new everyday. Now if only I can remember them. :lol: Alert
  15. Purrfect Meow

    What did you dream about last night?

    I dreamt my cat was pushing me out of bed, like the little one that said "roll over, roll over" until I fell out of bed. I am not sure if that was a dream or reality? Things that make you go Um...
  16. Purrfect Meow

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    My house had no insulation in the walls downstairs and it was completely finished. You now can't see the insulation I put in, but I know its there. It still makes me a little itchy to think about it. Scratch, Scratch!
  17. Purrfect Meow

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    I agree with you completely. That and basic financial skills for todays environment. We can always hope. Its hard to lose friends however after 30 years. But I agree with you, there is no room in their minds for anything else. Conspiracies are like a cancer, they start out small and...
  18. Purrfect Meow

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    I got up at 5 AM for 10 years so I could have the job I wanted. Hated the hours but loved the work. Pros and Cons to everything. Nice thing, the drive to work. Beautiful and quiet. Not something you get at 8AM. You do get use to it, if that helps.