Search Results

  1. E

    Zombie Harness Cat = Normal?

    Update: Sasha's progressing nicely! She's become more mobile in the harness with each day. The few times she's been startled, I've been able to keep pace and scoop her up without an issue. We've reached an "agreement" to go out every AM. Today she was adamant about keeping the routine ... even...
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    Zombie Harness Cat = Normal?

    I am so happy to have found this story about Juno, as I'm now experiencing a similar situation with my 8 lb. cutie, Sasha, who is now a few months past 2 years old. After spending a few days associating the harness with treats and pets, Sasha let me put on the harness, and she immediately...
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    "We moved from an apartment to a larger home and our cat(s) loved it!"

    Hey everyone, I wanted to drop in and give you all an update on Sasha's big move to our new home! It's been about a week since we settled in, and I'm thrilled to report that she's adjusting wonderfully. As planned, I followed the advice I received here and set up a cozy room for Sasha with all...
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    "We moved from an apartment to a larger home and our cat(s) loved it!"

    I'm hoping that in this thread, many of you will share your successful moves with your cat(s), sharing with me (and others) what (mostly) went well and anything that didn't. I'm planning a move from my apartment to my first-ever home in about 3 weeks. As corny as it might sound to some, my cat...
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    Anxiety over moving with two cats

    I'm happy to have found this thread, as I'm planning a move from my apartment to my first-ever home in about 3-4 weeks. As corny as it might sound to some, my cat, Sasha, escalated my goal of home ownership. I wanted more space for her, as well as the ability to build a Catio, allowing her to...
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    Cat hates singing???

    A while back, I started saying, "You're such a good girl!" to my Sasha, as I fed and pet her, as well as immediately after she caught her worm of choice during our games of chase. Quite expectedly, this established this chain of words as a conditioned reinforcer ... so much so that when she's...
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    Caption This!

    "Someday - and that day may never come - I'll call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept this justice as gift on my daughter's wedding day."
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    Competition: Picture of the Month - June 2023 - Bored Cats!

    ENTRY: Sasha's semi-hidden death stare ("Are you getting off the couch anytime soon? I need action.") makes me laugh every time.
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    All of sudden my cat scarred of us,and hiding? help needed

    I'm glad there's been some improvement and am sorry that there appear to be medical factors contributing. Chronic pain really, really sucks. Before this? Did your cat prefer to be in elevated places? I wonder if providing small steps to those spots would be helpful.
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    All of sudden my cat scarred of us,and hiding? help needed

    Any update? I hope things have improved for your cutie over the last couple of months.
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    Vote for your favourite Black and White Cat Photos!: P O M May 2023

    Wow, such a close one! Contrats, @LokiWolf ! Loved your photo.
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    I'm upset. He is now biting me

    @ArtNJ, you killed it in this thread. I mean, is there anything else to say? Not really, but I'll try anyway, haha. @firehawk, if I were you, this is what I'd do. 1) Whenever you come over, it's like "Cat Christmas." Be the human who feeds her, initiates play with chase toys, and give her...
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    Rehoming throughts entering into mind again

    I'm so glad that things are gradually improving in response to your efforts! Seeing improvement -- even in small amounts -- really can make a huge difference. I'm really happy for you two. I realize that, sometimes, it also feels good to just vent without any recommendations/solutions rendered...
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    Rehoming throughts entering into mind again

    The issue with such limited research like this is that 1) It does not account for the considerable research that has been done by experimental behavioral scientists, which has contributed to foundational behavioral principles and/or 2) Its findings are often extrapolated beyond the research's...
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    Rehoming throughts entering into mind again

    In behavioral terms, this is a punishment technique. (A stimulus change - i.e. an aversive sound like a hiss or shoosh - following a behavior (meow) that decreases that behavior (meow) under similar circumstances. If you're going to use this technique, be sure of a few things: 1) Respond this...
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    Vote for your favourite Black and White Cat Photos!: P O M May 2023

    All of these adorable photos with a cup of coffee = incredibly potent anti-depressant. For that reason, I'll always feel like the winner (haha).
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    The Bathroom

    This is hilarious! For me, my only safe haven is the bathroom! I'm there, and she seems to be like, "Okay, he's establishing boundaries." A couple of questions: Does she drink the left-over water from the tub afterwards? Does she rub up against your right away? If yes to the first question...
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    how bad is dry food really?

    I've gone back and forth on the food issue for my Sasha, as well. It seems that every option has its pros and cons; plus, there are varies opinions. My veterinarian recommended a mix of wet/dry food, citing research that some carbohydrates that dry food provides (i.e. Science Diet) helps with...
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    Any Suggestions for a Top-Notch Chaser?

    This community's amazing. Thank you, both!