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  1. K

    Cat wont stop clawing my eyes at night!

    Thank you all for your response. I have a sleep mask but don't like to wear it.
  2. K

    Cat wont stop clawing my eyes at night!

    Every night she hops into bed with me, and never fails to claw at my eyes. Thankfully, she never presses real hard, but it still makes me nervous! I think she likes the attention it gives her, but I'm worried about losing my eyesight! What can I do to discourage this? She has to get in my room...
  3. K

    My cat is overweight

    She is starting to look chubby! I feed her a handful of dry food in the morning and a small handful in the evening. What should I do to help her lose weight? I'm obviously feeding her too much, but she is good at making me feel sorry for her and end up blowing her diet.
  4. K

    What to do about my cat clawing me in the eyes when I sleep?

    Thank you. I tried putting her outside the bedroom at night, but she will claw the door and whine pitifully until I let her back in. She is so used to sleeping with me, and has been since I got her. I really don't know what to do.
  5. K

    What to do about my cat clawing me in the eyes when I sleep?

    I'm at a loss of what to do... When I sleep at night, she has started repeatedly clawing me in the eye over and over again after screaming at her "No." She does this when I'm trying to sleep. Why does she do this? And how can I get her to stop? Please help me. What can I do?
  6. K

    My cat jumps on me in the morning

    For some reason, Tilda will pounce on me early in the morning to wake me up. Is this normal behavior? Is she checking to make sure I'm still alive or something?
  7. K

    My cat went crazy!

    I might of petted her belly. I can't remember what I did exactly.
  8. K

    My cat went crazy!

    My cat was laying on her side with her stomach exposed on my bed. I started petting her, not thinking much of it. All of a sudden my cat latches on to my hand with all four paws with her claws and biting me. She drew blood on my hand. What got into her? She doesn't normally do this. How can I be...
  9. K

    Introducing Tilda!

    Ahhh! They remind of Tilda!
  10. K

    Introducing Tilda!

    She is my new furbaby. There isn't anything I would do for her! We bonded so much in the past 3 months. She is a tuxedo cat and is very smart! I lost my baby girl, Snowy just about 8 months ago. I'm slowly healing from her. I still miss her everyday, but Tilda is helping me through it! We're in...
  11. K

    Was my cat someones pet?

    Thank you guys. Her ear hasn't been clipped so I was thinking she was someone's pet at one time, especially because she was spayed. I do feel bad if I have some kids pet, but tough cookies they should of kept better track of her!
  12. K

    Was my cat someones pet?

    I wonder about my cat, because she was spayed already when the shelter found her. She is only one year old! So I wonder if she was someone's pet and she wandered too far from home and got scooped up by animal control? She's mine now, not that I'd let her go if she was someone's lol (I'm really...
  13. K

    My cat wheezes and breaths like she has asthma

    I don't know if I can get help from charity. What are some that help low income cat owners?
  14. K

    My cat wheezes and breaths like she has asthma

    No I do not, luckily.
  15. K

    My cat wheezes and breaths like she has asthma

    I adopted her from a kill shelter. Don't remember the name.
  16. K

    My cat wheezes and breaths like she has asthma

    I have no money yet to take her to the vet. She has done this since I got her 4 months ago. She also coughs sometimes! I will try to take her to the vet as soon as possible. But do you think it's something serious like she has asthma?
  17. K

    Fur baby is meowing loudly in hallway

    Yeah it's only in the hallway. Thank you guys for the help!
  18. K

    Fur baby is meowing loudly in hallway

    She meows/yowls-like in the hallway randomly. She is fixed and only 1.5 years old. She seems pretty healthy. Is there anything I should be worried about? What could cause this? I hope she is okay!
  19. K

    Do any of the anti-scratching sprays work?

    Ok in the living room, where she scratched the furniture, we have a cat tower. In my room she has a scratchpad hanging on my door knob and also a little stand scratchpad thing. She still enjoys tearing up my bed lol.
  20. K

    Do any of the anti-scratching sprays work?

    My dad caught my new cat scratching his living room chair, and has banished her to my room. Do any of the anti-scratching sprays work from walmart? Also is there anything we can do to train her not to scratch the furniture? We have a scratch pad in each room but she won't hardly use them. She...