Search Results

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    Indoor/outdoor cat frantic for food

    Cats acquire multiple feeders by learning how to beg. He may have been legitimately hungry in the morning, but that is because usually an indoor/outdoor cat will stay out for the night if out past a certain time. So the cat was fetching breakfast. If you hadn't provided, he would have tried...
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    My cat has went into kill mode towards her housemate, why?

    Common reasons include: (1) seeing/smelling an outside animal, often another cat; (2) medical - when they don't feel great, they take it out on other animals. Probably less likely since your not seeing other changes (3) something startling -- something scary happens, like a dish getting...
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    Introducing Older Cat to Bonded Pair

    Sorry to be a downer, but just to be real, if there are troubles, the a few days here, maybe a few weeks there, aspect of it will make it hard to make & keep progress. Its totally worth trying, you never can predict these things, but if it were me, I'd fall back on permanent separation if it...
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    Hissing while playing

    Hissing can be communication, and its a normal thing for a smaller, less active, or less play crazy cat to hiss when they have had enough or the other cat is being a bit too rough for their taste. My two are 12 and 8 pounds. When they were younger small cat routinely hissed when big cat was...
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    Adding a kitten

    I think it depends on how your older cat did with the one year olds, and if he is now totally comfortable with them. Because, if the older cat really didn't do great with the one year olds, and even now isn't comfortable with them, the new kitten could pretty easily refan those flames back to...
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    Afraid of brooms and sticks

    When I stopped being able to get my former indoor/outdoor now Houdini-cat to back away from the front door by any other reasonable means, I stationed a stick-type thing (an old crutch for a while, briefly a broom, and now I have a wooden pole). A little tappy tappy with the door stick and he...
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    Cat not coming home at night

    The odds of a cat using a bed that you have bought or suggested are
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    Cat not coming home at night

    Cats are more active at dawn and dusk. Twilight hunters basically. Combine that with spring & its a big deal to them. At some later point in the evening, they look for a safe, cozy spot to sleep. So as a practical matter, if an indoor/outdoor cat isn't in by a certain point, its likely...
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    Cat surrender

    Still seems highly likely it was the bobcat to me. Unless you had a camera on, it might have been by more recently. And even if the bobcat left two days before the incident, the smell was likely still there, and your cat was on a state of heightened alert. A lot of these incidents are...
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    Cat surrender

    Probably the bobcat if the timing matches up.
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    Cat surrender

    It could have been a lot of things, but the % is its either an animal outside or he is injured/sick. Either way its not your fault. Personally, I'd take the cat for a vet visit before surrender, but I completely get how scary that is. And if it was an outside animal, that can be difficult to...
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    Cat peeing on my bed when I leave

    We had a cat pee in our suitcases when we got back. Happened with two separate trips, (doh!!!) so I definitely believe that this is a possible stress reaction. You could always put a shower curtain over the bed when you go overnight. You do have to be able to live your life, and going...
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    My Boyfriend is constantly Chasing and teasing my cats, what should I do.

    Its not very "manly" but there actually is a way to chase cats & get them to chase you as well that many of them enjoy. But its a lot more like you'd play with a toddler. A fast toddler. But yeah, lets not go there, he doesn't sound like someone that would go for that. If he won't respect...
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    Mother cat has started hissing and swatting her 1 year old daughter

    Oh that is a bummer that she is that stressed. I'm not sure I know what to recommend. There is some chance that keeping them in might help resolve this, but I don't know its that high of a chance. Maybe just basic stress management stuff. I guess lets see what some of the other posters think.
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    Mother cat has started hissing and swatting her 1 year old daughter

    Firstly, keep in mind that hissing and even a light swat or two is mostly just communication, not true hostility. Not necessarily such a big deal. As far as why, I have several theories: (1) Maybe she is smelling stuff outside which is stressing her out. This might be a case of your good...
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    Teenage resident cat eager to play with kitten, kitten hissing/growling

    I'd bet you any amount of money it will be fine and they will be friends before long. Personally, I'd let them be together to work it out, just because it will go faster, maybe much faster. But trying to orchestrate things to be smoother/kinder/safer won't do any harm per se as long as you...
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    Couch Peeing

    If you do get a blacklight, some people claim that lower wave lengths are better. I mean, the top selling ones on Amazon are at 395nm and I'm pretty sure that is what we owned, and it worked fine. But supposedly that is a bit too high and lower wave lengths show pet urine better. I'd honestly...
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    Couch Peeing

    Or a big text book. Anything hard/rigid that is big enough to cover the spot that can't be kneaded with the paws. Something heavy enough that he can't just knock it off. My first idea of wooden boards might be vulnerable to being knocked off, depending on how big they are and how you arrange...
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    Teenage resident cat eager to play with kitten, kitten hissing/growling

    Friendship is literally guarantied with the cats being these ages. You have to let them be together for them to get their. It won't take long, kittens are the most adaptable of cats. About the only problem you might run into is that if you haven't seen it before, the play might look much too...
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    Couch Peeing

    I don't think its the odor through a plastic tarp. This seems like some evidence for a deeply set-in habit. All of that said, this isn't necessarily as significant as all that. A lot of tarps still allow cats to kneed with their paws. Its the same reason garbage bags and shower curtains...