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  1. posiepurrs

    Adventure bound and assorted things

    Well, my son Nate is off on another adventure. He left Friday night bound for Lima, Peru. Not sure if he is hiking, climbing or just sight seeing. I always feel it is better NOT to know with him- less worry. Things are going pretty well around here. Hubby is getting stronger, but I think he...
  2. posiepurrs


    We lost Tabitha today. She is out of the second litter born here at Posiepurrs, 15 years ago. The vet told me last year that she had a tumor on her liver. She adored my husband coming each morning to sit on his lap and at night to put him to bed. She will be greatly missed.
  3. posiepurrs

    This is good news

  4. posiepurrs

    Asking for good thoughts for Jack

    Jack is my icon photo. He is at the vets in liver failure, along with a couple of other problems. Vet isn’t very optimistic. He is trying fluids and B vitamins.
  5. posiepurrs

    Stressful couple of weeks

    Week before last my husband fell and I was asleep when I heard him go down. I jumped up and started running to him. I fell ( face planted on the wood floor). Anyway, he went by ambulance to the hospital to get checked out. I didn’t even think about getting checked out- dumb, I know. We are both...
  6. posiepurrs

    A few holiday photos

    Post ‘em if you have them! Merry Christmas or to be politically correct - Happy Holidays!
  7. posiepurrs


    We have been looking forward to this past week for a month or more. Our youngest son ( who moved to Oregon last Thanksgiving) was coming home for a week. Big deal- he visited us for about 4 hours and more or less told us we had been bad parents. No specifics. He won’t be back in the northeast...
  8. posiepurrs

    There is kindness in this world

    My husbands social worker/therapist pulled in the yard the other day while I was outside. She had an appointment with us, but called me over to ask if I wanted her to reschedule. It seems the appointment before ours she removed a young puppy from the home. She had the pup with her. I told her to...
  9. posiepurrs

    Dealing with vestibular disease - again

    I got up yesterday to Zippy not being able to walk. Panicked ( a little) since I thought it may be saddle thrombosis. I took her to the vet prepared to say goodby, but upon exam vet said it was vestibular. I had totally missed the nystagmus and the titled head. I was relieved! Zippy did have a...
  10. posiepurrs

    Later today

    I have to go have an MRI. No big deal, right? Wrong, I am extremely claustrophobic! I can’t be given anything to calm me down because I have to drive home. I need it since I fell and they suspect a subdural hematoma ( brain bleed) a month ago. Keep your fingers crossed I won’t have a panic attack!
  11. posiepurrs

    Jack is having seizures again

    This morning has been a doozy. He had one around 6:30. After he came out of it I gave him his medicines. He has been on the verge of having another for over an hour- drooling, growling, circling. I gave him another dose of phenobarbital since that is what the vet had me do when he had multiples...
  12. posiepurrs

    Deciding whether to show again

    As most here know, I used to show my Persians. I stopped when my husband got sick and the pandemic hit. My husband has made great strides toward independence recently. He can even get up slowly without assistance. Now he is wanting me to start showing again since it makes me happy. He even said...
  13. posiepurrs


    I lost my Clown Prince last night. Spencer was always into something or instigating trouble. My baby boy was almost 18. He brought more smiles to our faces than I could have ever imagined when he came out of his crate like royalty the day I brought him home. I added a few photos of my special boy.
  14. posiepurrs

    CPAP machine

    Do we have anyone who uses one? Please tell me you get used to it!! Last night was my first time using it and I have to say it was the WORST nights sleep I have ever had.
  15. posiepurrs

    I am a klutz!

    Last Sunday I managed to fall getting out of the shower. I hit my head on the vanity and the floor, really hard. I decided to go to the ER to get checked out since I am on blood thinners. Had a CT scan and they thought they saw something so I had to wait another 4 hours to have another one done...
  16. posiepurrs

    Could use some good thoughts- again.

    Jack had pu surgery a few weeks ago because he blocked and couldn’t urinate. He has now developed scar tissue and blocked again, requiring MORE surgery at a specialist. It has been very expensive, so far over $2600, not counting the visits yesterday and today. I am scrambling to cover the costs...
  17. posiepurrs

    Seems my cats all decided to get sick or hurt at the same time

    Tabitha is scheduled to have a growth removed. Last night I noticed Jack wasn’t acting like himself. Called the vet. I am sure she loved me since it was after midnight, but she was on call for emergencies. Jack had blocked. He is at the vets until Saturday. Lottie was limping but is okay today.
  18. posiepurrs

    Life is a roller coaster and I hate roller coasters!

    Since I last posted about my husband in the beginning of February, he has been in the hospital 2 more times. Right now he is in the ICU, but improving. He has almost died twice recently. This last time I believe was from being over medicated for pain. Because of all the stress and lack of sleep...
  19. posiepurrs

    Good thoughts needed

    I had to call the vet on call this morning at 6 AM. Jack had a seizure. It happened once before about 2 weeks ago, but the vet told me that one didn’t sound like a true seizure when I told her about it. The second one left no doubt what it was. I was told to bring him in if he has another in the...
  20. posiepurrs

    Off to the ER this morning

    Hubbys doctors want him to go to the ER to be evaluated this morning. He had an UTI back in December which caused him to hallucinate and be confused. He is acting the same now. Never a dull moment!