Search Results

  1. syzygycat

    Oral cancer gums bleeding

    Luke's tumor/facial swelling shrank during his palliative radiation treatment and for 2 weeks after. It started swelling a little each day over the past 10days. Now he's drooling blood, from the inside of lip & adjacent spot on his gums. His gums on that area are/have been swollen from the...
  2. syzygycat

    Ultrasound for Intestinal wall thickening

    I have a (nearly) 14y/o cat with progressing kidney disease. I took my cat to the fancy animal hospital instead of my regular vet for a physical/blood work. They recommended a $1,200 of additional tests besides the regular bloodwork to track her CKD. Which found no irregularities BUN...
  3. syzygycat

    Temptations Purrree best tool for CKD

    I've been exploring and re-exploring safe ways to get my CKD cat to eat more. I reached out to the various "lickable treats" mfrs to find actual, current, dry matter phosphate. Aside from Churu different flavors of each brands are within 0.1% of each other. Dry Matter Phosphate contents...
  4. syzygycat

    FYI Feeding cats with dental issues.

    I've many ways of getting my cat with oral cancer to eat til I found some that work. Maybe this'll help others. Blending cat food and water seems to be the go-to method. I've found stirring 3 parts pate 1 part water then pushing it through a 40mesh then 60mesh flour sifter gets rid of all the...
  5. syzygycat

    Phosphate Blockers?

    Is their a point to try phosphate Blockers if my CKD cat's phosphate levels are normal? (Bun, creatinine, etc are elevated)
  6. syzygycat


    Anyone have luck with their cats eating lard? I'm trying to find ways to boost the calories it my skinny CKD cats diet. She barely finishes a 3 ounce can of food a day. Is loosing weight too fast. I tried the more traditional tricks, thought straight animal fat would work, nope. None of my...
  7. syzygycat

    Calorie... Wet food

    Those who feed only wet food to adult and senior indoor cats, do you also find the 20cal/lb rule to be nonsense? One of my cats is dieing of oral cancer, super important to keep him eating. He's 12.5lbs, at 20/cal/lb he should be eating 250calories. I'm 90% sure he's never eaten that much. I...
  8. syzygycat

    Buprenorphine oral liquid (cost & where to get)

    My local vet is charging $350 for a 7 day supply of 0.05ml (lowest dose) buprenorphine. That doesn't sound right. I take sublingual bup for my back pain, pay out if pocket. It's very cheap (30x8mg sublingual tabs $24) I can't imagine the price thet charge for cats is normal is it? I have a...
  9. syzygycat

    Radiation cancer therapy worth it? Side Effects?

    Luke has terminal tumor around his jaw he's got 3weeks-3months with no treatment. I'm curious what your experience has been with (palliative) radiation therapy and if its worth it? I don't care about the cost at all I specifically, want to know how stressful, painful it is? How long the side...
  10. syzygycat

    One very swollen cheek

    TLDR: One of my cats has a very hard swollen left cheek. Antibiotics havent helped. Curious if anyone has had experience with this and how did it get resolved? My 13+ y/o male cat had some mild upper respiratory infection symptoms and a swollen cheek. Went to the emergency vet hospital who said...
  11. syzygycat

    Lower Phosphorus freeze dried foods?

    Sprinkling freeze dried is the only way to get my cat to eat her RX kidney food. Stella and Chewy's has about 3% phosphorus (dry matter basis). Instinct Raw has 1.10% and Nulo allegedly has 0.96%. Does anyone know of any Freeze Dried food that's lower than Nulo?
  12. syzygycat

    Options RX kidney foods?

    My 13y/o now needs kidney prescription food. She only eats wet food and I've never had any luck with Hills Science Diets. Besides Hills, what other (easily available) brands of Prescription Renal wet foods are there? AND do I need a different RX for each brand ?
  13. syzygycat

    Acclimating kitten 6mo (update)

    6 Months ago we brought home a new female kitten, our 5th cat. Did the usual acclimation/introductions procedures, went well with 3 of the cats the next youngest cat, 3y/o female, kept chasing and bitting/swatting the new kitten. We set up a litter box and water dish in our smallest bedroom...
  14. syzygycat

    Advice, adult cat chasing new kitten?

    We brought home a new kitten just over 2 weeks ago. This makes cat #5. Introducing them is going pretty well. Kitten is allowed to roam the house while we are awake, no more hissing or swiping, they can eat together, nap on the same bed, except we have one issue. The 2nd youngest cat (3 y/o)...
  15. syzygycat

    New kitten sneezing + diarrhea

    We got a new kitten 5 days ago. She had a clean bill of health but they didn't screen for parasites, they just treat new kittens with dewormer by default. She's sneezing a little once every 30-90minutes, it seems to be getting less and I recall every cat I got from that shelter has a little...
  16. syzygycat

    Cheapest wet food without carrageenan

    TLDR: has anyone know of cheap canned food (under $0.80 for a 5.5oz can) that doesn't contain carrageenan? I've got 4 cats, they get fed 4 fairly healthy meals a day. every couple of day they won't finish their food then get loud and whiney at bed time. Usually if they're being fussy they...
  17. syzygycat

    Adopting a kitten in 2021

    This is more of a pointless rant. We adopted out newest cat a just before the covid shutdown here in NJ (late feb 2020). At that time, like every time Ive adopted a cat there were at 500-1000, between the shelters in just my county. Prove you own your home, are employed, have a regular vet, have...
  18. syzygycat

    Cat safe house plants

    Recommendation on house plants (not flowers) that are safe to cats AND cat's won't chew. 3 out 4 really like tearing leaves off of plants. I had to keep a palm tree on top of the fridge to keep it from being shredded. It finally got too big, had to give it away. I tried some small potted basil...
  19. syzygycat

    Any Performatrin ultra stew equivalent/clones?

    Pet Valu's brand Performatrin Ultra Stew was the healthiest canned food my cats weren't too fussy eating. With all US Petvalus closed, Does anyone know of what brand names it may have or clones of the recipe.(Most store brands are the same foods rebranded, or a clone of a major brand, but can't...
  20. syzygycat

    Kitty just ate scotch tape

    My cat just at a five inch inch strip of scotch tape. Is this a wait and see situation or emergency vet visit or ... ?