Search Results

  1. emelyssa

    Happy birthday, Brax and Drexl

    Happy birthday, Brax and Drexl. Two years ago today I trapped Drexl and one week later, Brax- and made them my happy housecats. They were totally feral and about 5 years old at that time. Brax had never been neutered until I got him, but Drexl was neutered as a kitten in the neighborhood TNR...
  2. emelyssa

    Crate and Water Bowl- Moving Across Country w Cats

    Hi there, I am moving from Texas to Michigan with two cats. One cat has asthma and a heart condition, so my plan is to get two large sized carriers that fit on my back seat so I can keep an eye on them. The carrier will need to have a litter pan and water bowl. I can find plenty of carriers...
  3. emelyssa

    Cat Obese From Steroids

    Hello, What can I do about Brax? He has asthma, and the only thing that does a thing to ward off his attacks is depo steroid injection. He takes montelukast daily but it seems ineffective. I don't want to keep giving him the steroid- he has become quite obese despite being a light eater. I am...
  4. emelyssa

    Traveling across country with two cats

    I am moving my two big boys from TX to MI. Is it better (less traumatic) to take them via aircraft or do a road trip? If road trip, I need them caged the entire time because they will hide if we go to a hotel room and it might be difficult to wrangle them back up. So if I do the road trip...
  5. emelyssa

    Fat Cat

    Drexl was a feral cat that lived on the street for five years. He was neutered at approximately one year old through the TNR program. When I trapped him and brought him inside in May, he had been eating on my porch and was 14 lbs. His bloodwork looked great. He has absolutely blown up since...
  6. emelyssa

    Google Fun

    1. Go on Google. 2. Search for cat. 3. Tap the paw icon. 4. Then tap anywhere.
  7. emelyssa

    Taming Brax

    Brax This past spring, I had a dream that two feral tabby brothers showed up to my porch and that I loved them and needed to adopt them. Within a few weeks after the dream, they both showed up in real life! I fed them on my front porch and some members of thecatsite suggested that I trap them...
  8. emelyssa

    Purina Pro Plan DM Cat Food- Diarrhea

    My 17 year old Spookie was diagnosed with diabetes very recently, and the vet recommended Purina Pro Plan DM Cat Food. I bought the dry food and the wet food. I suspect the kibble is giving him the worst diarrhea imaginable. I think it's the kibble because my other cat Drexl snuck some of the...
  9. emelyssa

    Litter Allergy???

    Brax was a feral cat until I took him in late May. The day I trapped him, I got him vetted and the doc said he had signs of allergies, particularly apparent in his ears. I have been working with Brax and while we visit and play together every day, he's not ready for me to touch him yet. I...
  10. emelyssa

    High Quality Cat Food

    I have been feeding my 5 yr old cats Rachel Ray Nutrish, but the vet said this food is high in carbs and suggested switching to Blue Buffalo. However, I am reading a lot of controversial things and not sure this is the best brand. I am overwhelmed with the choices, though. I feed my cats...
  11. emelyssa

    Clumping Litter That Doesn't Stick to Paws?

    I've used Arm & Hammer cat litter brand for some time and didn't notice a problem until recently. The Slide varieties seem to stick to my cat's paws and even sometimes his butt. It makes for quite a mess.. I have litter mats by the pans but they do not help. Can anyone recommend a better...
  12. emelyssa

    Cat Sleepy and Not Eating After Neuter

    I rescued Brax, a five year old feral cat from the street yesterday and he was neutered the same day. He is FIV+. His surgery was around 1:30-2 p.m. yesterday, and while he has used the litter pan once since he's been home, he has been in his new bed very sleepy and not eating since. I heard...
  13. emelyssa

    Meet Drexl

    I wanted to share my experience. I have been feeding two feral cats for the past month. One boy I usually only see during the day, but the other (Drexl) only came at night. I would talk to him every night as he hid in my bushes, and he would cry pitifully. On Thursday night, I trapped him...
  14. emelyssa

    Trapping Fail

    Yesterday was trapping day, but even though the food was all the way at the back of the trap, the cat managed to eat 100% of it without stepping on the trigger. The trap was lined with newspaper. What should I try next time? Thicker newspaper, cardboard?
  15. emelyssa

    It feels like a betrayal- advice needed re: neutering

    I have been working with two feral tabby boys that showed up a little more than a month ago. I keep food and water on my porch for them. My goal is to tame them and bring them into my home when they are willing, but that is a time-consuming process. However, I'm making progress already. I...
  16. emelyssa

    Any Luck Taming Feral Cats?

    Several years ago, I tamed two adult feral cats on my street and eventually adopted them into my house. They were total ferals. They were born on my street and lived in the storm drains. I didn't even try to tame them exactly, but I fed them and called to them every day, I talked to them...
  17. emelyssa

    What to do? Possible feral cat

    So five years ago, I adopted two feral cats from my street after taming them, a process which took many months. They were the two kitty loves of my life. They were loving and happy house cats. They both passed away recently (Nite in January due to kidney complications and FIV+, Fright Nite is...
  18. emelyssa

    My Poor Judgment Killed My Cat

    In October, annual bloodwork came back on my six year old cat Nite that indicated the early stages of kidney disease. However, the urinalysis results the next day were normal, and the vet told me I had two options- I could start him on a kidney diet or repeat bloodwork in four weeks. I asked...
  19. emelyssa

    How can I forgive myself for my cat's death?

    My beautiful cat Nite passed away on January 9. All I can think about is that if I had followed my gut instead of my vet's bad advice, he might still be here. I am having so much trouble with guilt emotions on top of the greatest loss in my life so far. Here is what happened: Four years ago...
  20. emelyssa

    Cats with Low Risk of Health Problems?

    My family has had heartwrenching experiences with our cats. Recently, our two six year old cats (brothers), who were rescued ferals, most likely part Ragdoll and FIV positive, both died suddenly months apart. Fright Nite had HCIM with no symptoms and went into cardiac arrest. Nite had kidney...