Recent Content by RTR

  1. R

    Fleas and Tapeworms

    Revoluion, a topical should take care of a multitude of problems!
  2. R

    Help! Vet wants to sedate my OA cat for nail trimming

    It's a house cat!!! Not a mountain lion! find a diff. vet!
  3. R

    Can Outdoor Rescues Ever be Content Indoors

    Can I assume they are spade?
  4. R

    Guessing my girl's age

    One day at a time! Enjoy whatever you have!
  5. R

    Palliative care for cat with cancer

    I'd buy cans of Tuna, Salmon, Sardines, etc. anything my cat wanted, untill I knew it was to to stop the suffering!
  6. R

    Need advice: cat lost appetite, fever, no diagnosis

    Feed her anything she will eat ! Can of Tuna or salmon or something like that! And get another vet to check her! good luck!
  7. R

    Wants to go out after spay

    Feebys owner is correct! her hormones take weeks to leave her body! Patience!
  8. R

    How do you pick a cat?

    sit on the floor...(no treats) and wait! Cats pick you!
  9. R

    Just brought home a semi-feral cat and need advice

    Don't push her or rush it! Let her decide when she feels comfortable! All my experience before was raising and training German Shephards. She was a violent feral kitten I saved. She taught me cats are not little dogs and will decide when they will accept you and their surroundings! It...
  10. R

    Will this feral mother regularly bring her kittens to the feeding station?

    My friend has 5 acres in an isolated part of Town! I help occaionsally bringing out scraps, and commercial cat food! Sometimes people just dump unwanted cats and and they all stay! He feds them twice a day and provides water, and a few sheds he keeps open with straw for shelter! They all...
  11. R

    Cat pees by the front door ever .

    I agree with Kflowers! That is a very good chance that is happening! Cats are very territoral!
  12. R

    FARS (feline audiogenic reflex seizures) - advice needed!!!

    For me personally I would put my cat on traditional medicine! I had a cat who had seizures! He was resting on a cat tree and fell off while in a seizure, hit the side of his neck on a glass coffee table, and died! (broken neck) Needless to say I was heartbroken, and still think about not...
  13. R

    I hate winter for these guys

    Don't worry about the ferals of at least 6months old! A friend of mine has a colony on five acres and the cats have access to a detached garage, and a small shed with about two feet of straw on it's floor! One year we had a very bad blizzard and temps down below 0 for a few days , and I...
  14. R

    Kitten is very fearful/skittish

    I learned from a knowledgeable lady years ago that cats are not little dogs! They hate change! My dogs were alwsyd adaptable, but if I even move cat trees my cats whine and pace!
  15. R

    Filtered Fountains

    I have had a pet safe fountain for years. Yes you have to clean it obviously! Every ten days to two weeks I clean mine! It has a charcoal filter that I change each cleaning, and I buy the filters from Chewy in a box of ten. It's much cheaper that way! The cats drink a lot more water with the...