Recent Content by clpeters23

  1. clpeters23

    Picture of the Month Competition: May 2024: "It wasn't me"

    Entry: Scribbles "I didn't change the channel!"
  2. clpeters23

    Which candy...?

    Good & Plenty. I don't care for black licorice.
  3. clpeters23

    What's the Weather and Temperature like where you live ? - 2024

    -10°F air temperature, (-41° windchill) here in northern Illinois USA. I went out to fill the bird feeders and thought I was going to freeze solid.
  4. clpeters23

    What's the worst place your cat has vomited?

    Scribbles has an uncanny talent of upchucking hairballs exactly where I walk on my way to the bathroom at night. 🏆
  5. clpeters23

    The Unofficial, Unauthorized, Probably Going to Get Me Kicked Off TCS for Breaking the Rules Question of Whatever Question of the Day Rules Are?

    Of the eight cats I've had, I kept the adult cats' names and gave the kittens new names.
  6. clpeters23

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, October 31

    "Chicago-style" deep dish pepperoni pizza.
  7. clpeters23

    Name Three things - 2023

    Happy belated birthday!
  8. clpeters23

    Name Three things - 2023

    Turned 69 years old (!) today; had lunch with my sister. Finished cleaning my house. Spending the rest of the day wondering where the years went.
  9. clpeters23

    Question of the Day, Sunday the 15th of October, 2023

    Pepperoni pizza Potato chips and onion dip Mint chocolate chip ice cream
  10. clpeters23

    Post Your Cats Sun Bathing

    Scribbles, enjoying the early morning sun. She loves warmth.