Housemate is neglecting cats but I don't know if I have any legal recourse to help them

Walter Mitty Jr.

TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 3, 2024
I have lived with this person for almost three years but known them for years before that. They have two female cats. They only feed the cats twice a day in a small dish: once in the morning before work and once again after getting home from work. The cats then have to wait approximately 14 hours to eat again. He barely shows them any affection, does not play with them, and until recently they had to use a litterbox downstairs that was only changed when he remembered to. The basement was also littered with feces and urine stains from when the cats didn't want to use the box. He has since cleaned up the basement before I was able to take a picture showing the state of it. I purchased a litter box for them recently at his request. However, he only did so because one of the cats started pooping upstairs in the bathroom, the dining room, and the living room. He also doesn't change the litter and after waiting two weeks I did it myself and continue to do so every week. I have done my best to make up for his shortcomings but he has recently become very belligerent toward me for my interest in his cats' wellbeing. He told me I was "playing catdad because I was too much of a coward to get my own cat". At the same time he told one of our other housemates who was considering getting a cat that she wasn't allowed to because his cats don't get along with other cats. He considers his cats his possessions and "his animals" but not his pets.

I am moving out in a few months due to problems with him and another housemate but I'm at my wits end regarding the cats. I do not want to leave them in this situation of physical and emotional neglect. He has also, to my knowledge, never taken them to the vet. If he has done so it has not been while I've lived here. I am very worried about what their fate will be once I am not around to care for them. Trying to find out if there's any legal recourse has been difficult.

I have discussed his neglect of the cats with him many times in as kind language as I could muster but his belligerent turn has made that impossible. He just doesn't seem to care. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this? I'd rather not involve animal control or a shelter as the cats have always been together and I don't want them to be split up (or worse).


TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 6, 2022
I think getting animal control to investigate the situation is all you can legally do :alright:

If they end up in rescue, if they go to a no-kill rescue they will go to a better home, where your going would you be able to take them from any rescue that takes them? Maybe if so, voice your concerns to animal control and say if they end up getting seized you'd be willing to take them (only if your situation would allow though) :alright:
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Walter Mitty Jr.

TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 3, 2024
Thank you for your response.

The bar for proving neglect is high though if he's providing them with shelter, food, and litter. The other male housemate will not cooperate as he has taken the neglector's side. My parents had a situation with a dog in their neighborhood that was being neglected but were told nothing could be done as the dog's basic needs were being met. I'm hoping that by the time I leave I will already have a new place to go and a home ready for them.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
as the cats have always been together and I don't want them to be split up
You might do a little research into whether there are true no-kill shelters in your area. Then talk to them, both regarding the situation as it is now, and what might occur with/for the cats in the future. You could offer to become a foster for them, which could help relieve the onus for the shelter since they often have a serious overcrowding issue going on these days.
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Walter Mitty Jr.

TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 3, 2024
You might do a little research into whether there are true no-kill shelters in your area. Then talk to them, both regarding the situation as it is now, and what might occur with/for the cats in the future.
The issue is extracting them from the house. I'm moving in June and he's not likely to give them up. Not because he cares about them but because he sees them as possessions. And he definitely wouldn't let me take them as our relationship has deteriorated into an adversarial one.

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Maybe reading the thread “advice for rescuing roommates cat” will provide some inspiration. Every situation is different but at least it offers hope.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
If he considers them possessions, and is not emotionally attached, he may consider selling them to you, IF you could agree on a reasonable price. Worth considering.