Search Results

  1. D

    Friend's cat scatters dry food EVERYWHERE

    I often take care of a friend's 15 year-old Maine Coon when she's out of town. She takes very good care of him, and the cat gets in-home visits from a mobile vet. He is an only cat. He eats an expensive dry food. But when I cat-sit for him, part of the job is cleaning up the mess he makes when...
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    Cats getting stomatitis one after the other

    I'm so sorry that this happened to you, too. And the vets DON'T warn you that it may spread. One bad part of this is that I have one very old cat with multiple health issues who may not live much longer. There is one friendly cat left at my TNR colony. I had thought of bringing this friendly...
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    Cats getting stomatitis one after the other

    I have one cat that started battling stomatitis in 2020. She eventually had to have all her teeth out, but I still have to medicate her to keep it under control. Then, a second cat of mine started experiencing it last year, resulting in another full mouth extraction. I took another one of my...
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    Vet said grain-free food is a waste?

    My cats eat a mix of wet and dry food, and I had to switch to a dry food that did not contain wheat or corn because one of them was causing him to have itchy skin. The current one has some barley, rice, and oats as binder.
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    Intestinal upset making the rounds?

    A couple of weeks ago, I was cat-sitting for a friend who has one cat who, as far as I know, has no contact with other cats. One day, he had some loose stool that caused a mess, but quickly recovered. I don't know how he would have contracted it, but there were two of us splitting cat-sitting...
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    I realized my elderly cat seems to be deaf

    I hadn't thought about it that much, but my 15 year-old female cat used to know her name and respond to it. But it's been a while since she did that. She's been on a lot of medications for a combination of hyperthyroidism and stomatitis, plus she's had two oral surgeries. (I read that surgical...
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    Radioiodine pre-treatment testing protocol?

    Update on Liza: Liza is now on her 9th day in isolation at the facility where they do the radioiodine treatment. They are waiting for her iodine-131 levels to come down enough to release her. She had to get a high dose because her T4 levels were so high. At least it's just a flat fee for the...
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    Radioiodine pre-treatment testing protocol?

    I think the longest we've been separated in 15 years was when she got out through a broken window screen and disappeared for 48 hours. I'm definitely going to leave her there with a t-shirt I've worn, but not washed. I know they'll have to throw it away, but that's OK.
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    Radioiodine pre-treatment testing protocol?

    Update: My cat Liza has bounced back from her health crash going off methimazole. She gets it transdermally, and I've split the dose up to give it to her every six hours every day to make sure blood levels stay consistent. I have alarms programmed into my phone to remind me. She's regained 0.5...
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    You know you’re a cat owner when…

    You have plastic jar lids taped over the power switches of plug strips so your cats don't step on them and turn your computer off while you're working. (Seriously, the people who design these must not have cats.)
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    Transitioning to wood pellet litter?

    I just can't take the fine dust from clay litter anymore. It gets everywhere, on everything. I've lived with it for years, and I'm reaching the breaking point. I'm tired of keeping things covered with old sheets just to keep the dust off. I feel like I could vacuum seven days a week and never...
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    Tips for getting nutrition into cat with mouth pain?

    As an update, Liza continues to improve back on methimazole, and she is eating some. Having tried a bunch of foods, I found a Hill's kitten food she seems to like, so I'll buy more of that. I've been feeding her wet food mixed with water as a kind of porridge for a while. As to the vet, I do...
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    Tips for getting nutrition into cat with mouth pain?

    A full blood panel was done on Thursday. She only has three front teeth left. Vet does not believe that removing them would help. She received a steroid injection in June.
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    Tips for getting nutrition into cat with mouth pain?

    My 15 year-old Liza has both hyperthyroidism and chronic feline gingivostomatitis. As I posted last week, after two years, we've been having trouble keeping her thyroid levels properly controlled with methimazole, so I was going to do radioiodine 131 treatment, but to do that, we had to take...
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    Radioiodine pre-treatment testing protocol?

    And say what? I told my vet every detail in this post, and I have an appointment at 7:45am tomorrow morning. I did get her to eat a decent amount tonight. It took pan-fried Alaska salmon. I'm going to make sure she keeps it down, then feed her some more small meals of it.
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    Radioiodine pre-treatment testing protocol?

    I'd decided to go ahead with radioiodine treatment for my 15 year-old cat, Liza, and the only local facility around here says she needs to have her thyroid levels checked after being off methimazole for 14 days to determine dosage. I cleared doing this thoroughly with her regular vet. She's now...
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    Radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism

    Thanks for the replies. My cat has now been off methimazole for 4 days, and I'm not noticing any major changes in disposition or behavior. Her weight is stable. She might be eating slightly more, but it's hard to tell. I'm wondering if she has just become resistant to methimazole after 2.5...
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    Radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism

    To try to answer a lot of these questions and anticipate others: I'm a former university instructor with a doctorate, so I have a lot of experience with research. Yes, I have worked closely with my vet to monitor my cat's thyroid levels, and we have increased methimazole dosage several times...
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    Radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism

    I've done some calling around. No one in North Carolina seems to know of any facility that uses nuclear scintigraphy for hyperthyroidism treatment. I'm certainly glad to know about it, but there's not a lot I can do to access a service that isn't available in my region. In fact, it seems like...
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    Radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism

    Confirmed. NCSU Vet School's radioiodine program is "on pause" with no estimate of when it will resume.