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    Cat has been losing weight but vet can't find anything

    Dental examinations can be difficult if the cat is not sedated and is a fighter. My angel boy had a nickel sized hole in the roof of his mouth that a vet missed doing the dental part of a routine exam when I brought him in. He didn't get better so I brought him in a week later and a different...
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    Has anyone had a kitty who only had a one-time urethral obstruction and never again after diet?

    My angel boy had the crystals so bad he had to get bladder surgery to clean it out. They had never seen a bladder so full of the crystals. After that he stayed on the rx uti food and never had an issue until oral cancer got him. He lived ~7 years after that bladder surgery. He never got...
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    Any experience with cats with cancer?

    My angel boy had oral squamous cell cancer. It bore a hole in the roof of his mouth. His only sypmtoms were sneezing so I took him to the vet who found the hole. She sent us to a local veterinary cancer specialist and he did an aspiration test and did not find cancer. So thinking we were...
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    affection eating tips

    Just got news the from our vet's vet-tech that I need to get the cat on a two-meals a day routine where the bowl is down for a half hour, comes back up for 12 hours with no free feeding at all. I'm beyond crushed. I have a appointment with the vet to discuss this but...for crying out loud...
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    Miso is not eating

    what kind of allergies? food allergies? seasonal allergies? how is she breathing? if she is wheezing or making sounds when she breaths it might be an infection of some kind. These differences can be subtle...I didn't notice my cat was doing this but at a vet visit last week my vet noticed it...
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    she has not but my cat only gets a tiny dose. The full dose of that medicine is a 1.5 inch ribbon and she gets a quarter inch. just enough to kind of perk her up a bit. but she really does have diabetes her blood sugar through the roof. that’s a good catch. I will ask the vet about it.
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    unfortunately, our regular vet went on vacation last Wednesday. So the Vet we saw on Friday was one of the other vets at the clinic. She didn’t have anything to say about food or diet other than our primary vet would address that. Edit our primary vet is really good and she knows how particular...
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    No, I can’t do anything with the feed schedule. I’ve tried this a handful of times with my vet and our behaviorist, and my cat will not acclimate to it. She is hungry when she is hungry at exactly that moment and not five minutes later or before. sometimes she’ll go 10 hours without eating and...
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    I'm on that feline diabetes board you liked @fionasmom - thanks. Lots of good information though it's not nearly as active as this forum is. I'm picking up some monitoring stuff recommended on that forum. It's human based but should be good enough. Based on your experience, can you explain...
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    affection eating tips

    Well, she takes the shot pretty easily. I wish I would’ve known how easy this was years ago because any medicine I would simply ask for the injectable form. I can’t give her a pill, but giving her a shot is pretty easy. however, the nightmare that is unfolding is 12 hours after the first shot...
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    yeah, I think I’ll be able to do it. It’s a bit scary. I was on the feline diabetics forum that I think you linked me and boy those people are doing some high-level science with all of the measurements and charting, and oh my God. That is a little overwhelming! I just hope that we don’t have...
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    I totally understand Maggie. There’s a fine line with what my cat permits and what she doesn’t. I am mildly concerned that she will not permit the new diabetes routine that we’re going to have to start. Historically in the past, she has been a nightmare for medicine. Even the mirataz , which...
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    My girl is a grazer. We start breakfast around 6am and she gets 4 feedings that wrap up around 8am...then she does a nap and wake up for eat cycle every 2-3 hours. She normally doesn't eat overnight. In the evening, her eating is a bit less predictable. Obviously I'll talk to the vet but...
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    Yeah, I can’t give my cat a pill either. Did your cats get meals or were they grazers? My girls is a grazer and it’s about 13 times a day.
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    i’m curious what your routine was with one of your diabetic cats. Like how many shots did they get per day? When did you do it? How often did you measure the blood glucose just kind of curious about the nuts and bolts of living with a cat with diabetes once everything gets established.
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    That’s a great idea
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    Eight year old Maine coon with chronic constipation

    My cat wouldn't drink from a bowl but she loved a fountain b/c it's moving. Go figure, right?
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    Early ckd signs?

    that's how we are with my girl. even with the new diabetes diagnosis the vet is very hesitant to change the food in any way.
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    My 11 or 12 year old girl, can't remember on my current cup of coffee, just got diagnosed with the diabetes the other day. She also has bronchitis but that's not the point of this post. Anyway, I'm curious if anyone has some good internet resources on managing a cat with the diabetes. I did...
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    Eight year old Maine coon with chronic constipation

    Doesn't drink from bowls...have you tried a fountain? Have you tried multiple bowls/fountains in different rooms/areas of the house?