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  1. Melissa0904

    New to being a Kitten mom

    Thanks! I have only found two homes acceptable for them. LOL A lady who took two and will take another one soon and mine! They are amazing creatures. I do wish I could have posted that video! It is so cute to watch.
  2. Melissa0904

    New to being a Kitten mom

    Hi guys. It has been awhile since I have been up here. I have been super busy with two moves!! First to Montana, then Arkansas (job). I wanted to post about my babies! They are very healthy. Two were regimes to a great home. I have three with me and three at home in NC. They turned out...
  3. Melissa0904

    New to being a Kitten mom

    Babies and mama are all spayed/neutered now. I thought I was going to lose all of the the kittens because they went for about 4-5 without eating after that. They bounced back. :-) I guess they had an adverse reaction to something? I am almost ready to start rehoming them. They are 13 weeks...
  4. Melissa0904

    New to being a Kitten mom

    No worries there. She goes next week!
  5. Melissa0904

    New to being a Kitten mom

    I haven't checked in for awhile. The babies are 9 weeks old and doing wonderful!! Mama cat is too. I love to hear her call them. I have learned the difference. They are all inside as it was just too hot in the workshop. I bout a heat and A/C unit but it didnt work. Waiting on replacement now...
  6. Melissa0904

    Cats with attitude photos

    Come on.. for real? Remember? Birth? Last week? Nine kittens? Enough with the camera already!
  7. Melissa0904

    Cats with attitude photos

    Seriously? I just gave birth to 9 babies and you want a head shot?
  8. Melissa0904

    New to being a Kitten mom

    I really am relieved! Now I just have to wait about three more weeks to have mama and all the babies spayed/neutered. The babies are doing absolutely well. They are now all eating solid foods. It took one of them a little longer but she finally got tired of me spoon feeding her! I am toying...
  9. Melissa0904

    New to being a Kitten mom

    It turned out that mama cat is just fine. Not pregnant. She is just eating a lot and gaining weight. What a relief. The kittens are all doing well. All are eating wet food now. One I have to feed with a spoon until she decides she will do it herself! I am pleased with the outcomes so far...
  10. Melissa0904

    New to being a Kitten mom

    Agreeing about the VET. I had an appointment for next Wednesday but I don't think it can wait. She was sickly looking thin after she gave birth.
  11. Melissa0904

    New to being a Kitten mom

    She literally would have had to get pregnant while pregnant. She will not go 20 feet away from me when I let her out. She hasn't been out at all alone. I have been working from home for since Covid. I am the only one who has been tending to them in the work shop. I don't see how this is...
  12. Melissa0904

    New to being a Kitten mom

    No... Gen has been neutered for a few months now. (sigh)
  13. Melissa0904

    New to being a Kitten mom

    Surrogate Father
  14. Melissa0904

    New to being a Kitten mom

    Ignore my dirty shoes... Ugly weather
  15. Melissa0904

    New to being a Kitten mom

    The smell of a house with 9 cats. You had said you kept all yours which is what I would LOVE to do because I am so attached and so are they... well 7 of them. Ollie is very timid and hisses a lot. He doesn't like the dog at all which is odd since the other ones do. He has ALWAYS been my...
  16. Melissa0904

    New to being a Kitten mom

    Another question as I have been noticing for the past week, mama cat's belly. She has not been out of my site yet she "looks" pregnant again? Is that even possible? After she had her babies, she looked thin. Very thin. Now her mid-section is sticking out like she is a month pregnant again...
  17. Melissa0904

    New to being a Kitten mom

    OK... so serious question. How do you keep the smell down with that many cats? That is my only dilemma. I would have no doubt my bed would be full of kittens. They are really attached to me. :-) And I; them! My dog who was one time deemed a dangerous animal, he bit my crazy neighbor before...
  18. Melissa0904

    New to being a Kitten mom

    Update on my babies. Yes, they are my babies!! They are all doing well! I almost lost one but caught it in time. Sugar water works miracles. All of them today at three weeks are 12 ounces except one and she doesn't lack much from hitting 12. So, I started rotating them out when in the...
  19. Melissa0904

    New to being a Kitten mom

    Well, I guess the good news is she can now pee on her own as she peed all over my shirt!!! I am still amazed at how much more advanced they are than the other larger ones.