Search Results

  1. NabilBen

    Wet food portion

    Hello guys, please I have a question concerning wet food. I am trying to switch to wet food completely as dry food is very high in calories although I keep my boy checked but he keeps gaining weight. I also measure his food. I was wondering if one pouch of royal canin is enough through the...
  2. NabilBen

    Persistent dandruff

    Thank you so much for your help. I have just bought salmon oil to supplement his diet. I appreciate it
  3. NabilBen

    Persistent dandruff

    I noticed that the dandruff mostly occurs when he eats gourmet gold. At first this wet food didn’t do anything to him but now I noticed that. I thought I got rid of it when I gave him a thorough shower yesterday but to my surprise, it’s back this morning. His vet prescribed him an anti dandruff...
  4. NabilBen

    Persistent dandruff

    Hello friends, I hope u r doing well. Please, I have a question and it is at follows: my four years old male car suffers from dandruff. Recently I noticed some dandruff at the very end of his back I tried brushing, but in vain. I used the glove brush. I gave him a shower yesterday. A very good...
  5. NabilBen

    Outdoor activities

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone of you can give suggestions of how I can train my cat to go outside together. He is an indoor cat and I would love for us to spend some time together outside but he gets so stressed and scared. He enjoys car rides tho. Today I took to cable cars and he absolutely...
  6. NabilBen

    Different ways to cook

    Yeah, would you so kind and suggest safe flavours for cats! I would rather trust a cat parent than check google as it is full of contradictions
  7. NabilBen

    Different ways to cook

    No no i am trying to get suggestions of different ways to cook for him because he no longer eats steamed or boiled
  8. NabilBen

    Different ways to cook

    Hello cat world, I hope all is going well with you and your kids 🐱. Please can you give me suggestions on different ways to cook for my cat. He likes meat, chicken and fish but unfortunately only if there’s spices on it which I don’t give him ofc. I used to buy all different types of meat and...
  9. NabilBen

    Describe Your CAT Using Only Emojis

    VERSACE is like : 😴😋🤦🏻‍♂️👑
  10. NabilBen

    Photo Competition: August 2022. "The Look"

    I promise I'll behave last treat please (VERSACE)
  11. NabilBen

    RC Hair and Skin dry vs Purina Gold Paté

    Hello guys, hope all is well with you. I'd very much appreciate it if I can have some insights or previous experiences about these types of food (photos attached) which one is better? Complete? And why! I red the ingredients on RC and they seem balanced unlike the Purina Gold Wet but I know that...
  12. NabilBen

    If Your Cat Was President....

    Versace will order a total ban on vets and everyday is a national free pink shrimps day 😻😹😸
  13. NabilBen

    COMPETITION: Picture of the Month. May 2022: Looking cute!

    VERSACE attending the met gala 😻😸
  14. NabilBen

    Persisting ear problems?

    Speedy recovery 💛
  15. NabilBen

    Persisting ear problems?

    It treats all ear problems. Here in Morocco we buy it from the vet or some reliable pet shop
  16. NabilBen

    Persisting ear problems?

    @Idk a good username try (oridermyl). Works like a magic
  17. NabilBen

    Hearts or Gizzards

    Thank you very much. Only as trests notvas a main meal
  18. NabilBen

    Hearts or Gizzards

    Exactly. He used to love them too. I was surprised this morning when he refused to eat boiled hearts which he loves normally. He doesn't like meat at all
  19. NabilBen

    Hearts or Gizzards

    I am thinking of serving them to him boiled or steamed. He likes them both. I was just wondering about the healthiest option