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  1. L

    2 Kittens With Sensitive Tummies.

    My kittens just finished a 10 day round of Albon. About day 4 on Albon, the watery diarrhea that they were having turned fairly solid and it was looking good. In recent days (about days 7-10 on Albon) the stools are about half and half or about 50% better in my opinion. Definitely not watery...
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    2 Kittens With Sensitive Tummies.

    Sure enough it was Coccidia. Albon was prescribed for both my cats (the one that was tested, and the other just in case). The cat I just got a few weeks ago is the one that was tested. I have read that spores can live for over a year, so do I need to literally steam clean my house from top to...
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    2 Kittens With Sensitive Tummies.

    I have had one kitten for 2 months and the other for 2 weeks. The one I have had for longer has always had on again off again diarrhea. I treated her with antibiotics a while back just in case it was a parasite. Right now diarrhea is on again with stinky gas. My other kitten that I have had...
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    I'm so sorry. What a beautiful girl! She was lucky to have you.
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    Lost Both Cats Within 2 Months. Heartbroken.

    About two months ago I lost my cat Tonic who was 13. He had obstructive cardiomyopathy for a long time but still unexpectedly died suddenly from his heart (I'm assuming). Then yesterday we had to put our other cat Lyric down that was almost 13. I don't know why the two deaths happened so...
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    My Baby Died Yesterday From Kidney Disease. I Am Having Such A Hard Time.

    I am so sorry. I lost my kitty yesterday too and I know how you are feeling. It is often harder to loose a cat than a human. At least know that her worst moments were not long (the pain was not drawn out for weeks or months) and she was able to be put to sleep at home. There was obviously...
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    Cat Walking Stiff, Not Eating Much Again.

    Unfortunately we had to put him down tonight. He started shaking uncontrollably and was in a tone of pain, even on pain meds. Kidney tests came back fine. His name was Lyric and I want him back so bad!
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    Cat Walking Stiff, Not Eating Much Again.

    Had to take cat back in this morning. He didn't even want to stand this morning and meowed in pain when trying to walk. Ugh! They don't know what is wrong but gave him some pain meds via shot and antibiotics since he now all of a sudden has a fever 103.something. He will only eat tuna. They...
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    Cat Walking Stiff, Not Eating Much Again.

    Cat is home now. Beside the dehydration they said he has mild colitis and mild lumbosacral spondylosis (degeneration in his back). They gave him fluids and sent him home with an appetite stimulate and Gabapentin for the degeneration. I'm still don't quite understand what to do long term for...
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    Cat Walking Stiff, Not Eating Much Again.

    I took him to the emergency vet this AM since he completely stopped eating today and was not getting better. They currently have him and are doing blood work and x-ray. I'm sitting at home anxiously waiting the results. They said he was pretty dehydrated (which I kind of figured). He did...
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    Cat Walking Stiff, Not Eating Much Again.

    My 12 year old cat has been sick for about 2 weeks. First he had diarrhea, was throwing up bile and was not eating/drinking. I took him to the vet. They gave him fluids and Metronidazole for possible IBS or other stomach issues. Within a few days, he was eating again and the diarrhea and...
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    Cat Won't Eat Regular Food After Illness

    Thank you for all the advice. I did try putting some tuna water on his dry food and he ate a bit or two and I think licked the rest of it. I will go out today and gets some other things to experiment. The Dr basically said "cats can go a while without eating" so she didn't really tell me what...
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    Cat Won't Eat Regular Food After Illness

    Since Monday my cat has been sick. He had diarrhea, vomiting and not eating. The Dr said on Wednesday it was probably IBS or pancreatitis. She gave him fluids, a shot to stimulate appetite and an antibiotic just in case. When we got home from the vet he immediately ate, I'm assuming from the...
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    Cat Diarrhea, Vomiting Bile, Not Wanting To Eat

    My 13 year old cat started having diarrhea yesterday and vomited bile twice. He also stopped eating yesterday. Yesterday evening, he ate some food out of my hand and by late evening ate at small meal all by himself. He also seemed to perk up last night and was lying with me with his belly up...
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    Cat Not Getting Along With New Kitten

    The cats are finally able to be in the same room for extended periods of time. My older cat chases the kitten so I have to watch closely and make sure it is just play. I put the kitten back in her room when I cannot watch them or if I think they need a break or rest time. The cats have...
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    Cat Not Getting Along With New Kitten

    Ha! I hope that is the case. I have a feeling it was him trying to lure ME out of the room with toys. This even they each had snacks on opposite sides of a baby gate about a foot apart. There was no hissing. We will do it again tomorrow too.
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    Cat Not Getting Along With New Kitten

    Also, the howling happens most often when I am in the room with the kitten. My resident cat will also bring toys to the door when I am in their with her while howling.
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    Cat Not Getting Along With New Kitten

    I don't think there is any pee problems but I will keep a close eye. It's the same kind of howling like when a cat brings you a toy in the night as a "present".
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    Cat Not Getting Along With New Kitten

    Maggiedemi: Thank you. His name is Lyric. I dialed back the meetings between the two cats. No face to face in the same room. I did two meetings using a small crack in the door with two door wedges keeping the door from moving. Both times they sniffed each other's faces and no hissing...
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    Cat Not Getting Along With New Kitten

    This is my resident kitty Lyric that I have had for almost 13 years. His brother passed away in May and I thought he needed a new friend.