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    Has anyone used Simethicone infant drops for their cats?

    Anyone ever use Simethicone infant drops for their cats?
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    Young stray cat in labor for three days

    Hello. There’s a young stray cat that was found pregnant and has been kept in the ladies bathroom. The cat apparently had one kitten three days ago, and that kitten died. Since then, this cat has been panting and acting as though in labor still three days later this is still going on. The...
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    Question For Professional Ethical Experienced Breeders

    Hi. How are your breeding male cats kept? A friend of mine has been pet sitting for a Bengal breeder. The breeding Tom is kept alone all the time. He has a Catio for daytime and an area in the garage at night, but he doesn’t get any attention or socializing other than the transfer from...
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    Cat Conflict at Home: Helping Cats Get Along

    I have had Cheetah 14 years. I have had Omypaw 3 years. They were slowly introduced over a span of about 3 to 4 months. Cheetah is about 7lbs with health issues snd Omypaw is a robust 12 lbs. Omypaw is about 3 to 4 years old. He was a stray. Friendly and outgoing. No fear of anything. Extremely...
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    How to change picture

    Hi. How do I change the picture that comes up with my name?
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    Help!! Feral cat in apartment needs to be caught.

    This morningI am going over to help a family catch a feral cat that’s living in an apartment. This is a 8 month old kitten that was trapped during bad weather with his sister. They are moving and found a home for the kittens as barn cats. The female sister at was trapped two days ago and is in...
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    Question for Breeders

    Hi. I am wondering what your kitten selling policies are. Do you neuter first? Do you microchip? Is that all things the purchaser is supposed to do? These questions came about when a Bengal cat was recently found with no chip and intact. The only breeder I have known is a veterinarian who would...
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    Totaled My Car This Morning

    So, driving to work this morning, I had a head on collision with a van. My little Focus never stood a chance. After that I come home to find out that the temporary home I had set up for a lost Bengal fell through. I am not happy, but things work out, so I will just wait for it, Just wanted to...
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    Urgent Help Please

    Hi, I have very minimal reproduction experience in cats. Or, any species really. Cat had kittens first time. 6 kittens total, all doing well. Sixth kitten is a runt and still has placenta attached. Mom cat is not cleaning it at all. Kitten is still dragging around placenta after 4 hours. Kitten...
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    Fat cat and skinny cat.

    Hi. Anyone have any ideas on this? 3 yr old obese neutered male, fairly healthy. 13 yr old spayed female cat with multiple health issues and underweight. She has to eat Royal Canin limited antigen diet rabbit canned only. She can only eat small amounts at each sitting and I feed her whenever...
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    I think Cheetah’s face says it all. Omypaw, thinks it’s the best day ever!
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    Human Glargine Pen For Cats

    So, does anyone out there use the glargine pen? Don’t you just use it with a U-100 syringe?
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    RC select protien diets all back ordered. Suggestions?

    Hi. My current vets know nothing about diets etc. My cat has IBD and suspected intestinal lymphoma. She has done well on the Royal Canin canned restricted protein rabbit. venison, or duck. All of it is back ordered from the manufacturer and I need to find an alternative. I have tried raw before...
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    Desperately need Cat safe method to annihilate ants!!

    This is it!! I have finally been pushed over the edge of sanity by ANTS!! I haven’t slept, I can’t eat, all I do is battle these ANTS!! They are winning. I am defeated by ANTS!! My cats have been locked up in their room all day for safety. Cats are confused and disturbed. They are also...
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    Cheetah and Ohmypay

    Cheetah is 14 yrs 6.5lb. Fs previously feral cat I have had indoor only since she was 4 months old. She lived peacefully with Rusty my cat who I had to have euthanized at 17y in 2017. Cheetah has hyperthyroid, LSA (suspect) an intestinal mass, asthma, very poor lungs with infiltrates shown on...
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    New Job Starting Today.

    I am starting a new job in about 10 hours and am super nervous about it for some reason. I am going to be working at an emergency hospital, the swing shift. Don't know why I am stressing this. I have done emergency before. I know what I am doing. But, I am older now and the shifts are brutal. It...
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    Neurological Signs in Cats could be Cryptococcus

    Hi. I just wanted to warn anyone with a cat who has sudden neurological signs to check for cryptococcus. It is an easy, although expensive blood test. At work last week we had a very sweet family with a very sweet cat come in as an emergency with circling and unsteady gate. Signs appeared after...
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    Don’t know what to do - injured cat in drainage pipe

    This kitten is injured. Been in this drainage pipe about a week. It is 12 feet long and opens up inside a large fenced in parking lot.