Recent Content by tyleete

  1. tyleete

    Featured Hyperthyroid Diagnosis

    Hi there! I'm in too big a hurry to read all the previous replies. But know you Can crush the pill and sprinkle it on their food. I have seriously picky cats so I taste tested the pill after I squished it into fine powder & it was gnarly tasteless! And I grind it by taking the opposite end of a...
  2. tyleete

    My Boyfriend is constantly Chasing and teasing my cats, what should I do.

    Do NOT let him get a dog with you. Guaranteed he will also teach that dog to do these same things to the cats he finds amusing
  3. tyleete

    My Boyfriend is constantly Chasing and teasing my cats, what should I do.

    Uhm, this probably isn't going to sound very proper and possibly harsh, but here goes. Cats are like infants or toddlers. They are next to completely defenseless, especially when it comes humans. They can't stop a human from harassing or hurting them, and as you're their parent, it's up to you...
  4. tyleete

    High Protein Food Research

    Hi there! Very nice and comprehensive research! And all your sources posted even. I'd like to comment on a few things. First off, people need to know that when the companies throw around the term 'protein', there are actually 2 types of protein in the food. You have meat protein and...
  5. tyleete

    Cats in the News

    What a cute story. Thanks for sharing
  6. tyleete

    Strange question [possably NSFW]

    You're not alone, it's even been asked before here. ;) I have an 8yr old that still tries to mount his 'little sister's and have his way with her.😒 Luckily she fights him off when he tries getting frisky...
  7. tyleete

    IBD kitty, barely eating

    I have several IBD kitties and 2 with other medical conditions attached. Whenever they are sick from either being on an antibiotic or having other problems? Instinct Limited Ingredient Rabbit kibble is my go-to. They can be feeling really bad & refuse their regular food, but will Always eat...
  8. tyleete

    Do steroids help malabsorption?

    I will ask. Yes it's clumping. Can a cat on hyperthyroid drugs take chemo drugs?
  9. tyleete

    Do steroids help malabsorption?

    A sample can't be taken due to it being complete liquid in the box and he shares boxes/rooms with 3 other girls
  10. tyleete

    Do steroids help malabsorption?

    Thank you thank yout both Daft cat & Feeby's Owner on that! It's not so scary to me, as I adopted a cat from the shelter that took us 2yrs till the vets figured out she had that. She went on chemo and lasted 5.5yrs on chemo and eventually succumbed to kidney failure, not the cancer. Two weeks...
  11. tyleete

    Do steroids help malabsorption?

    He was given B12 shots and the test results showed it wasn't a problem. He's tried both S. Boulardi & a more powerful Visbiome as well. A month on each, absolutely no change. The fecal test was the only thing she hasn't done that I know of. I talked to her this afternoon after this post...
  12. tyleete

    Fancy feast flaked tuna - bones and bugs?

    When I tried cooked meat or raw, I learned you needed something like that. Because there's still so much cats still need. I found EZ Complete was the only one that required nothing else added. So if you add that to the baby food, at least your baby will be getting much needed nutrients and...
  13. tyleete

    Fancy feast flaked tuna - bones and bugs?

    If you get to baby food, buy something like EZ Complete & add it to the food
  14. tyleete

    IBD kitty, barely eating

    It may not help with the diarrhea, but when my IBD kitties don't feel well (especially if on an antibiotic), the only thing they'll way is Instinct limited ingredient Rabbit kibble. The worst 2 are also allergic to the gums in wet food, found out when they did great on dry but when switching...
  15. tyleete


    I feed 2 foods in my house. Young Again Mature Zero (perfect for diabetics) & Essence Ranch & Meadow. Both have very high meat protein in them. Something most cat foods are sorely lacking in.