Recent Content by Martiene71

  1. M

    Kitten refuses to eat

    She just backs off we’ve tried everything putting it on her paw so she licks it off but hasn’t made a difference I’m really at a lost end
  2. M

    Kitten refuses to eat

    She’s playing and using the litter tray as she should do, and I’m just on my way to get a syringe to try her with but yes she’s doing everything her siblings are doing otherwise
  3. M

    Kitten refuses to eat

    We’ve tried that but she just refuses
  4. M

    Kitten refuses to eat

    Hi, I’m wondering if someone can help me please? My cat had kittens almost 7 weeks ago, she had 6….5 are eating but one little girl simply refuses to eat I’m really struggling with how I can help her we have literally tried everything mums milk has dried up and we have been feeding her formula I...
  5. M

    Pregnant cat

    Today we have welcomed 4 black beauties some have a bit of white on them mum did fantastic and are so proud of her ❤️
  6. M

    Pregnant cat

    She gets plenty of attention we make sure she does but it was just yesterday this happened so was just wondering if she was smelling something like the onset of incoming kittens
  7. M

    Pregnant cat

    Hi, as you know I rescued a pregnant cat, this morning my spayed female has done nothing but try and attack my pregnant cat, is it possible that she could sense labour incoming?
  8. M

    Pregnant cat

    Wow must be me being too impatient problem is we don’t know when she mated as we only rescued her 3 weeks ago so it’s just a waiting game I guess but she looks ready to pop and has been doing some nesting and scratching in the box
  9. M

    Pregnant cat

    It’s the only thing it could of been I’m sure she has been in a couple of nesting places scratching etc but still nothing and she’s massive
  10. M

    Pregnant cat

    How long from losing her mucus plug to her delivering on average?
  11. M

    Pregnant cat

    Well I think it was her plug as it’s was a creamy brown and sticky
  12. M

    Pregnant cat

    She’s lost her plug this morning it was stuck to her tail hopefully won’t be long now
  13. M

    Pregnant cat

    I’m hoping things will start happening soon she seems to be licking downstairs a lot at the moment but she’s still got a great appetite
  14. M

    Pregnant cat

    Unfortunately not, she seems to have dropped and is hopping in and out of nesting places since yesterday lots more movement on the side of her belly and seems to be sometimes breathing a bit faster just done her temp and it’s currently 37.3