Search Results

  1. Mamanyt1953

    Worried about new kitten

    That's GREAT! She's getting there. And quickly! And sorry for calling her a him! I have no clue where my brain was! Then again, I rarely do :crackup:!
  2. Mamanyt1953

    Thoughts on an overnight cage cage/bedroom?

    I see no problem with it in your case (and many others, I am sure), since you trained them to it, and they now willingly and happily enter the crate for "bedtime." You did it just right, and have happy, well-adjusted cats as a result.
  3. Mamanyt1953

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    I ordered a protective glove from Amazon for mine. It's saved me any number of times, and since I take all of those blood thinners, that's an almost literal statement!
  4. Mamanyt1953

    What's For Dinner? - 2024

    Either pork patties or hamburger steak, and some veggies. Just got a grocery order in, so lots to choose from!
  5. Mamanyt1953

    Worried about new kitten

    Cats being cats, you can't really pin down a time frame! They are as individual as we are, after all. Kittens tend to take less time to adjust, but how much less, again, depends on the kitten. And, your kitten came through a shelter, so a LOT of changes in his short little life, which might...
  6. Mamanyt1953

    Worried about new kitten

    I'm fairly sure she was feral, and not a stray. But that doesn't mean that "all is lost," not by a long shot. Even adult ferals, for the most part, can transition into housecats...but BOY, is THAT a challenge (and almost always months in the making). At your kitten's age, it will be far, far...
  7. Mamanyt1953

    What's For Dinner? - 2024

    You are doing the very best thing...taking decisions and effort off of her plate, and replacing it with good food. Dunno about the rest of the country, but in the South, we know this. A death, or illness, or other catastrophic event, always brings out lots of food. The last thing people need...
  8. Mamanyt1953

    Hello everyone

    Welcome to you and the adorable Pippin! How wonderful, to be starting a journey with such an adorable companion. I hope you have many, MANY happy years with him!
  9. Mamanyt1953

    What's For Dinner? - 2024

    It's going to be a very simple night, since I'm up so late this morning. Scrambled eggs for lunch, and a hamburger for dinner.
  10. Mamanyt1953

    Semi Feral Adopted us in July--Barely eating now in the bitter cold. Need advice and reassurance.

    And that reply is exactly why you belong here. It is, indeed, about the cat.
  11. Mamanyt1953


    After hearing that you had contacted the owners with no response, every tiny hesitation I had about your taking him with you was utterly gone. That's animal abandonment, and is illegal in some places (those laws vary WILDLY). He is yours, and officially yours. Y'all enjoy each other!
  12. Mamanyt1953

    Semi Feral Adopted us in July--Barely eating now in the bitter cold. Need advice and reassurance.

    Oh, my darlin, you have done far more than you can know. Because of you, she knows hearth, home, and family. And you allowed her to set her own boundaries on that. And yes, they live, and so often die, by their own rules. But she will die knowing that she was Somebody's Cat, and that, I...
  13. Mamanyt1953

    Adopting 6 month old kitty

    So long as you have the wherewithal to afford double medical expenses (shots, annual checkups, etc), two kittens keep each other company and amused. Do they by any chance have another kitten from her litter? That would be ideal.
  14. Mamanyt1953

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    One of my realtor friends agrees with your brother. His advice, "Buy the worst house in the best neighborhood that you can afford, and renovate. You can get up to 3 times what you spend in increased value."
  15. Mamanyt1953

    What's For Dinner? - 2024

    Taquitos for lunch. Dinner will be a hamburger steak and some sort of veggies, two of them, unless I'm absolutely flattened by then, in which case, it will be just a hamburger, no sides at all.
  16. Mamanyt1953

    Shelter cat is broken and super depressed

    You are doing a great job!
  17. Mamanyt1953

    Deworming a cat in a not so optimal state

    OH, my the end, all you can do is ALL you can do, and if you are doing that, you are successful.
  18. Mamanyt1953

    Timmy,7yr old TNR true feral! COLD TURKEY!

    Thankfully, litterboxes are not (yet) an issue. I have an adjustable-height office chair that is just right for sitting in and cleaning a box! But the spraying...nope. Can't get down on my knees to properly clean...or, I could, but I couldn't get back up again! And the three of them DO need...
  19. Mamanyt1953

    Bellatrix LeGray (17) joined her brother at the rainbow bridge on Wednesday

    Rest you gentle, Bellatrix LeGray, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever. Seventeen years is remarkable, and a testament to your loving care...but where there is love, an eternity is not long enough. Now, from her new home in That Place Where All Things Are Known, she...
  20. Mamanyt1953

    Deworming a cat in a not so optimal state

    Also, consider Revolution Plus, which also protects against heartworms. They can attack cats, and there is no treatment, only prevention. Will NOT take care of the tapeworms, but you're still one-up, and can add one of the ones that @StefanZ suggested.