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  1. M

    How to help my cat after enema?

    Sooo, a little update. She didn't drink any water yesterday, so I gave it to her through a syringe. She did pee yesterday. I was still worried though, so I took her to the vet again. Her anal glands looked a bit inflamed and her stomach seemed to be hurting a little from all the diarrhea, so the...
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    How to help my cat after enema?

    Our brush looks kind of like this one. Her fur is very soft, not tangled at all. She is just fluffy and sheds a lot. I will probably end up buying some other ones, especially since constipation is a concern for us and her fur could contibute to that.
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    How to help my cat after enema?

    we don't have feline only vets in my country. The vets are always gentle with her. She is a shelter cat, I got her in january. With shelter cats there is no way to tell what she has been through before she ended up at the shelter. She hates being held in general, that's why the vets, who have to...
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    How to help my cat after enema?

    Hey everyone! So a bit of backstory. My cat is 5 years old and has problems with constipation. We are trying to adjust her diet, but for now it hasn't exactly been effective. She usually goes at least every two days. So yesterday I have noticed that she hasn't pooped for over 80 hours. She was...
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    Cat not returned home after 6 days

    Almost every cat likes hunting birds and mice. That doesn't mean that they can't be spooked by a larger animal or a person, who has bad intentions. Again, what you describe (injury or being lost) is absolutely possible, but if I were you, I would still check nooks and crevices in your...
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    Cat not returned home after 6 days

    Hi I won't definitevly say that he won't ever come back. Sometimes cats come back weeks or even months after they dissapear. He could have been scared by someone or something (you did mention heavy rain), and just be hiding somewhere. Someone could have taken him, thinking that he's a stray...
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    Need help on getting my cat used to grooming

    Tortitude, love it 😀 At the shelter there were several torties and yes, all of them had an attitude. Jojoba was actually the most tame one of them. When I came up to her, she started to snuggle up to me and wouldn't let me leave, so I had to take her with me. But as soon as we came home she...
  8. M

    Need help on getting my cat used to grooming

    I did recently found treats that she really likes! She doesn't care for them in the moment, when I clean her ears, but maybe they'll help her to be less mad, when I'm done :) Thanks!
  9. M

    Need help on getting my cat used to grooming

    She is actually even more of a nightmare at the vet, than when she's at home 😅 Although maybe I'll be able to invite a vet/groomer to our apartment. Hopefully it'll be at least a little bit less stressful Last time we went, her vet recommended giving her a sedative pill, so that I could do...
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    Need help on getting my cat used to grooming

    Hi everyone! So almost two months ago I adopted a five year old cat Jojoba from the shelter. When we went to a vet for a checkup, we found out that her ears are VERY dirty (thankfully, no mites). She also has a tiny bit dental plaque. I was advised to clean her ears and brush her teeth...
  11. M

    At what point should I get worried about my cat not pooping?

    I'm actually not sure if she checked for yeast specifically. At least I can't remember her mentioning it. She was mostly worried about ear mites, so she checked her earwax under the microscope and told me it's all good - just a lot of wax buildup. It does seem to have become a little better by...
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    At what point should I get worried about my cat not pooping?

    I'm basically following her vet's advice: wrap her with a towel, put the drops in, whipe the excess with a cotton pad and give her treats. She still manages to get her paws out of the towel most of the times. I am usually able to only give her treats afterwards, because she will swat them away...
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    At what point should I get worried about my cat not pooping?

    Yeah, I'm trying to get her used to brushing, but she absolutely hates it :confused: From what shelter told me, her previous owners probably didn't take much care of her, so now at the age of 5 she is still not used to any grooming procedures. For example, the vet told me that her ears look very...
  14. M

    At what point should I get worried about my cat not pooping?

    Thank you everyone for your replies! It made me feel a bit better about the situation. I want her to be happy and comfortable in her new home, so I'm probably overthinking a lot of things. I'll continue to monitor her behaviour and stools for now, and if I see anything out of ordinary, then...
  15. M

    At what point should I get worried about my cat not pooping?

    Hello everyone! Sorry for my english in advance, it's not my native language. So 5 weeks ago I got a cat from a shelter. She is 5 years old and her name is Jojoba. Volonteers at the shelter told me that she had some problems with food. She would eat very little or sometimes would refuse to eat...