Search Results

  1. Alldara

    New Carrier and our adventure to get Calcifer into it

    Got a 24 by 16 inch carrier today with a top door. We have 2.5 weeks to get Cal comfortable in it and hopefully get him INTO it before the vet. We've been taking him with a harness and leash but the vet is on a busy road and I worry. Calcifer is strong as heck and I was used to Nobel's 17...
  2. Alldara

    Heart Murmur Detected in est 2-3yr old cat

    Ghost had a heart murmur detected today. The vet didn't give us a level but he will go for an ultrasound. We don't have a date yet as labs etc are closed because of the storms. So he's likely had this problem since we got him in July. He's young so it could still be congenital or acquired...
  3. Alldara

    AAC Buttons

    Hey all! This is just an interesting thread. Anyone else who also uses AAC buttons with their cats can chime in too! What are AAC buttons AAC buttons: recordable buttons that you record a word on, and then teach non-verbal beings to use. First used with people, but not also widely used with...
  4. Alldara

    Promising early results on new kidney disease treatment?

    Too early to get too excited as the trial is 2 years our but it's looking positive this far.
  5. Alldara


    Double cat cuddles is a first in our home! Grateful for this moment. Magnus and Ghost look happy too! Feel free to share your cat cuddle photos too! 🫂
  6. Alldara

    Chewy Canada

    Chewy Canada is expanding soon. Just wanted to let other Canadians know.
  7. Alldara

    SOLVED - Cat won't use metal litter box?

    Has anyone run in to this before? We got a metal litter because the corner bin was getting scratched up. Having 3 diggers will do that. It was Magnus's fav place to "go" so we put the new metal one there, thinking he'd be glad for the space and clean smell. Nope. We haven't seen him use it. The...
  8. Alldara

    Looking for Thundershirt reviews please!

    There's a lot of reviews online from vets and owners but simply them promoting the 'flopping' so that they can accomplish tasks on their cats. I'm not looking for something like that. Very curious to know the following in your reviews especially: 1- what behaviour(s) were you trying to get...
  9. Alldara

    Travel cat crates for multiple cats?

    Looking for some ideas of some travel pet crates that could for two cats. One 14 lb and one 10 lb cat. We've done some evacuation tests and on my own it's difficult to grab 3 carriers, and 2 backpacks. Magnus needs a specific one for his knees as he as luxating patellas, so he's in a backpack...
  10. Alldara

    Tug 'o war

    Anyone else have a cat who tries to play tug 'o war with you? Ghost sometimes tries to take toys where he can't go and then ends up playing like a dog. We try to discourage this behaviour as I'm unsure if it's safe. If it's safe to do so, I'll let him take off with the toy but that's not...
  11. Alldara

    Funny Video

    Gizmo's Best Life on Instagram: "Which cat breed is your favorite?? #gizmosbestlife #kitten #funnycatvideo #catbreeds"
  12. Alldara

    Anyone ordered before from

    On my search yesterday I noted a new company. Has anyone had any experience with them? I made an order from last week and that went well.
  13. Alldara

    Does this look hydrated to you?

    Asking for a friend.... Calcifer. Calcifer is the friend.
  14. Alldara

    First Catnip harvest of the season

    Catit tube for scale because we are all cat-people here 🤣 Magnus for scale in the other photo? In reality my standing fan for scale. Both the amount on the fan and the tray today. There's still more in the bucket outside. (It's invasive so you can get fined for growing it in the ground in...
  15. Alldara

    Meet Ghost - Follow along with intros to RCs

    Hi all. We got a new addition to our family yesterday. We've named him Ghost. He is appropriately 2 years old. He was found outside and is considered a stray. A concerned community member called the SPCA. He was neutered about 2.5 weeks ago, and has been quarentined since then. He had FIV/FELV...
  16. Alldara

    Breed and genetic Information

    Just finished this lovely video. I do like how well it explains DSH/DLH in cats at the end. Also has some really cool information on colourings of cats.
  17. Alldara

    New Study: how to call a cat!

    Interesting new study. It's only the initial one, so repeats will need done to ensure the theory is correct. Interesting, it was also found that ignoring a cat raises it's stress - opposite to current recommended actions even by behavioural experts when dealing with naughty behaviour...
  18. Alldara

    Vomiting - Multiple Cats and When to go to Vet

    *I did call and speak to the vet already and they said no need to come yet. Told me to call back if litter changes, more vomiting or lethargy* I have 2 cats and I have no idea who vomited and who's poos are soft. No idea if related, and the poo is not concerning soft, it's formed, but I'm...
  19. Alldara

    Cats on leash!

    Walking cats is becoming more common. I hope others have photos of leashed walks, catios or even cats in backpacks and pet strollers adventuring around! This is Magnus on his daily walk. He's in a jacket because it's still cold out here. 2023-04
  20. Alldara

    Looking for your best, most creative enrichment ideas

    Looking for your great most creative enrichment ideas... nothing that's listed on every article and YouTube video. Anything that keeps your cat occupied for a length of time, but really hoping for anything that's not good focused. He's done floaty toys, ball in the bathtub, box of paper with...