Recent Content by silent meowlook

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    CNS cryptococosis

    Hi. I wouldn’t do the CT scan because I wouldn’t want to have my cat anesthetized . Also, you have to understand what exactly the CT scan will show and how the information gained from it will alter what you are doing.
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    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    Yes, that is so obvious.But, thank you for mentioning it. The most important thing would be to get a new litter box. This of course need not be originally designed as a cat box. I have used the plastic puppy pad holders before. They actually work great. They have very low sided and are big...
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    Cat with dry neuro FIP - behaviour

    Hi. I believe there s a Facebook group for cats undergoing this treatment. You might want to look there if you don’t get enough response here. I just want to add to be sure you don’t overlook another condition developing by thinking it is the treatments,
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    CNS cryptococosis

    Hi. Cryptococcus, from what I have seen, can manifest in many different ways and progress very differently. For example; When I worked specialty, there was a cat with a mass in his chest. A Cryptococcus titer was sent to the lab and it came back negative. The cat underwent surgery to have the...
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    Now Samantha might have liver problems??

    Hi. If you decide to do further testing on her, take her to a specialist in internal medicine and have an abdominal ultrasound done. The cat vet I worked for would allow owners to be with their cats for this, so reduced stress for the cat.
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    Male Cat after castration

    You can also use the old fashioned non clumping clay litter.
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    My Cat Has Been “Gagging or Hacking” for past 4 days

    Hi. Honestly this looks like an asthma attack. Of course, there is no way to know without an X-ray. If this was my cat, and there is no improvement, I would at least opt for one view of the chest with a radiograph. They should be able to tell from that if he has asthma. Although, the prednisolne...
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    Tumbles' Chronic GI & Urinary Issues (Timeline, long)

    I am so sorry to read this.
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    CNS cryptococosis

    Any updates?
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    Cat has been losing weight but vet can't find anything

    Hi. I think you need to have your cat see a specialist to determine what is going on. Probably an abdominal ultrasound would be the next step. Something is clearly not right. The only abnormalities I see in the blood is the increase in platelets which can be caused by many things including...
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    Cat has been losing weight but vet can't find anything

    Is there any way you can post the results of the blood work? When your cat was at the vet, did they fully examine her mouth?
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    Getting chemo with inconclusive lymphoma diagnosis

    My own cat has a space occupying lesion (mass) seen on ultrasound in 2021. The ultrasound is the only diagnostic I did. My cat would not be a surgical or anesthetic patient. To high risk. She has been on Prednisolone and Chlorambucil (Chemo) since then. I have seen chemotherapy done to reduce...
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    CNS cryptococosis

    Hi. Unfortunately, I have had ample experience with cats being treated for cryptococcus. Sadly, it is never high on regular veterinarian's radar, so often by the time it is diagnosed (usually through a specialist) it is very far advanced. I worked for an internal medicine specialist for about 9...
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    Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

    There are no words to express how sorry I am for your loss of such a wonderful cat. This is so hard. I am sorry. You know you did everything you could for him, and he did everything he could for you. No cat has ever been loved more.
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    Young stray cat in labor for three days

    This year, where I am, it is worse than last year, and that year was worse than the year before. It's been this way since I worked at the Humane Society back in 1982. Each year gets worse with more unwanted cats and kittens. It is really sad.