Important Kitten season is upon us


At Abby's beck and call
Thread starter
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
The uptick in threads in this forum means that kitten season is upon us. What this means is that Team members and forum members that regularly help out in this forum are going to get very, very busy. We as a group need to do what we can to make it was easy as possible for these wonderful members to help everyone without getting burned out. Kitten season is tough on them and in order to give the best advice, we ask you to please do the following:

Please start ONE thread about your cat.

If you have followup questions, please post in that thread. Do not start multiple threads. It is much easier to give advice to you if all of the information about your cat is in one place. You are also more likely to get advice if our members and Advisors don't have to search multiple threads to get information on your cat. The Moderators have been spending a lot of time lately merging threads.

Please do not hijack the threads of other members.

If you want to talk about your cat, ask questions, etc., please do so in your own thread. It's OK to use your cat as an example in a thread ( Fluffy had her kittens at 65 days, etc.), but please do not ask questions about your cat or post pictures of your cat in another member's thread. The reasons for this are the same as above. It makes a thread much harder to follow and we want you to get the best information and help available and we would like to make this a bit easier on our Advisors and our other members.

A HUGE, HUGE thank you to all that will give advice to others during this busy kitten season. The Cat Site wouldn't be what it is without you. :hugs:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2014
Kitten season never really ends unfortunately even in Canada we have been getting litters at the rescue. It is so important for people to spay their cats/kittens as soon as 4 months old. Call around to vets all over to find out pricing and contact rescues to see if they have a snr program or can get your kitten fixed sooner. Spaying a cat can prevent a whole host of health issues and behavioural issues. A cat in heat is miserable.