Going away on holiday


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 31, 2024
Hi .
We got our rescue cat back in September and she’s settled in wonderfully .
She stays in most of the time but does pop out for an hour or so each day into the back garden .
We go on holiday each year to see our friends in Turkey - same time every year .
this year we are going in June but are staying for just under 3 weeks .

I wanted to some advice on what would be best for our cat Ivy ? She enjoys company and although we are out at work all day during the week , she is always by my side in the evenings or somewhere close .

I can have friends pop in and feed her twice a day while we are away but my husbands sister has offered to have her at her house while we go .

what would be best ?I just worry that she will miss the company if it’s just someone coming into feed her each day .

would like to keep cost down which is why I haven’t opted for a cat sitter or cattery etc

many advice welcome



(Alice) Girl with a cat
Alpha Cat
Jan 11, 2024
I personally always prefer bringing cats to someone else if it's for longer than a week! It depends on the cat though, all the cats I've had are used to a new place and new people within like two days. So it gives them less stress to get adjusted for a few days than to be alone all day and have random people pop by during the day. But if your cat took a long time to get adjusted to you and your place it could take them a while to get adjusted to your sister's place.
My advice: if your cat is chill, take them to your sister's place for a few days some time before the vacation to see how she adjusts. If she does fine you now have a nice vacation home for your cat and you don't have to worry about her being alone :)
If that doesn't work I'd probably try to get someone that your cat knows to come over most of the time, maybe someone who doesn't mind watching a movie at your place in the evening so your cat has some more attention time?
Good luck!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 31, 2024
Thank you for your reply .

She was quite wary at first and she will dart around at sudden things so I wouldn’t say she is the most chilled - but my sister lives by herself anyway so I’m thinking even if she took a couple of days to settle , she’s not going to have people coming in and out and it will be a quiet and calm environment.

I feel like she will take a few days to settle there but then she would be ok . I think if she had different people popping in to feed her , that would freak her out more and she doesn’t really know anyone else as not many people come round to the house generally .
Thank you for your advice :)


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
It sounds like your cat might be happy at your sisters. :)
Just a word of caution, if your cat has free access to your back garden at her discretion, make sure your sister is aware of this. If she has a garden you'd feel comfortable with your cat going into, that's one thing, but if she doesn't, she'll have to be incredibly aware and careful of any attempts your cat might make at darting out of a door. And they are fast! Just something to keep in mind.