Recent Content by FeebysOwner

  1. FeebysOwner

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    Have you had any discussions with the vet about an anti-spasmodic? If it were me I would want to rule that out as a possible cause. Spasms can cause uncontrollable urination. Most cats don't typically pee in their hang out or laying spots, even when it is behavioral. I sincerely think there is...
  2. FeebysOwner

    Limbic Encephalitis - Rare autoimmune disease and seizures

    Hi and welcome to TCS, despite what brought you here. The first thing I did was search this site to see if any other members have ever posted about their cats having this disorder - and found none. I am amazed to find so much information on the internet but did not see any forums specific to...
  3. FeebysOwner

    Cat with dry neuro FIP - behaviour

    Hi. I agree about joining the FIP Warriors, if you haven't already. That group is dedicated to FIP and it is highly likely they will have some thoughts on what could be going on. Home ( As you said, he is very early into treatment, and it is possible the FIP will progress...
  4. FeebysOwner

    Underweight five week old kitten

    Hi. Can you glean any information from this web site, until other more knowledgeable members come along and see your post? Bottle Feeding — Kitten Lady
  5. FeebysOwner

    elevated potassium--concern?

    Hi. I am not aware of gabapentin causing an elevation in potassium, but that doesn't mean it can't. I would wait until you can talk to the vet about that and all of his results before trying to do anything about it. I am a bit surprised that you received a call about it with no advice as to...
  6. FeebysOwner

    Cat with possible IBD getting too thin, how can I help him gain some weight back?

    Hi. In addition to the senior blood work, if your cat hasn't already had that, you could consider getting his cobalamin (B-12) level checked. Cats with IBD often have low B12 levels which can impact nutrient absorption in the intestines. Some cats can gain weight after being given B-12 shots...
  7. FeebysOwner

    Plz help - cat gagging and choking but no vomit

    I am not sure anyone here can provide a solution for you. If he has asthma, does he have an inhaler//nebulizer you can give him a treatment from? It is probably a combination of his asthma and seasonal allergies. If you don't have back-up treatments for him, you should ask the vet about them for...
  8. FeebysOwner

    PH is too low

    I know every cat is different, but Feeby has been on D-Mannose for 3 years and it has not affected her urine PH level at all. I have never given her cornsilk. Back when Feeby had her oxalate stones removed, they were from her bladder, not from her kidneys. If there were stones there, which no...
  9. FeebysOwner

    Should I be concerned about muscle atrophy?

    Egg whites (cooked only) are a good source of protein without the phosphorus issue.
  10. FeebysOwner

    Featured Indoor/outdoor cat frantic for food

    You could check local laws/ordinances and find out if cats are allowed to roam freely. There are more and more areas that are not allowing it any more than they allow it for dogs. If you find the owners are going against any local ordinances you could contact the SPCA for further...
  11. FeebysOwner

    PH is too low

    Hi. I think you will find my comments in some of the posts in the llink above. Feeby had oxalate stones that had to be surgically removed at the age of 5; 14+ years ago. I have no idea what her urine PH level was at the time because I knew so much less then about what to pay attention to...
  12. FeebysOwner

    Bonded Sisters still hissing/swatting randomly

    If these cats are grooming each other, it is highly unlikely that they are going to get into a fight where blood is drawn, or fur is pulled out. You may be delaying their progress in getting over this. Nonetheless, it does sound like things are getting ironed out. It is just going to take some...
  13. FeebysOwner

    I caught a family of cats, who can take them?

    Hi and welcome to TCS. Thank you for what you are doing and trying to help out! All you can do is search the internet for rescues that might be able to take the adult cats as you hopefully find homes for the kittens. I don't know where you are located, but if I did, all I would do is look for...
  14. FeebysOwner

    Featured My cat has went into kill mode towards her housemate, why?

    Hi and welcome to TCS despite what brought you here. Looking forward to seeing your responses to the questions/ideas above as that could help shed a lot of light on things. I didn't see mention of the reverse case where the attacking cat is sensing a health condition in the one being attacked...
  15. FeebysOwner

    Ultrasound for Intestinal wall thickening

    Hi. I guess that is a personal choice, when it comes right down to it. You know she has CKD and her numbers are progressing as is typical, and it sounds like she is being treated accordingly. An ultrasound to see the status of her kidneys would only be beneficial, IMO, if there is something else...