HELP - Training my kittens to go outside!?!

puppy stirfry

TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2024
I rescued my cat Hiss this January. It was -30f outside, no wind chill factor. She was frozen to an old truck bed. She spent 2 days curled up in bed with me before she thawed out. She hates the litter box, no matter how clean, or convenient it may be. She did use it 1 time while she was recovering but never since. Sorry this is long but I am getting to the point. She is less than a year old, give or take. She started looking a bit like a softball with legs about middle of February, and by mid march, a basketball. Yep, pregnant. Had her kittens April 1st in bed with me. Still wouldn't use the litter box even after giving birth to 4 healthy calico kittens. Cats can totally be trained to poop and pee outside, and they do not need a litter pan inside. My problem for the first week after kittens were born was to get her TO relieve herself inside, lol! Now that all little Hiss's kittens are 29 days old, how do I get them to p/p outside like mama? They have a litter pan and 2 of them are starting to pee in it but still need mama to stimulate them for the most part. As you say, cats are very clean so I have never had to clean a litter pan, and I want this to continue to be so. Obviously they are just little ones so they have 24/7 access to the litter pan now. I dont have a fenced yard, but I am bordered by national forest so mama is already bringing them back half dead mice to try and chew on. I might start taking them outside tomorrow and see how it goes if it is warm enough.This is a start to p/p outside right? I am more of a dog person but I love all animals and love to see them thrive. And also, Im well versed in the XX/ XY chromosomal factors in coloration in cats, but could someone smarter than me please try and draw a Punnett square for me of this?! Hiss is a black and white Main Coone looking cat. ?? Is it common for an entire litter of calico kittens?

Also, I leash trained Hiss in a day. It was easy. I did it just because I dont want to put her in a box or a crate when I need to get her vet checked. Seems less scary to me. Everyone has seen the traumatized cat in a crate, I dont want that for her. Who knows, maybe it will be a disaster but I am trying. :)
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TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
You might find this article (see link below) interesting regarding coloring.

As far as the kittens, get a litter box for them with non-clumping liter. A couple-three months of taking care of a litter box won't kill you. Once they are bigger and you want them to go outside, their mama will likely teach them all they need to know about using the outdoors.

Hopefully, they will never forget how to use a litter box, because if any of them should ever be ill or sick in some fashion that requires their confinement inside the home, you'll thank your lucky stars. You will find taking care of a couple of liter boxes much easier, than repeatedly cleaning up messes.
Why Do Cats Have Different Colored Kittens? Vet-Approved Facts & FAQ - Catster


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Kittens should not be allowed outside until they are much older, and then under supervision and only after they are spayed and neutered.

Just because you do not like cleaning a litter box, and mom prefers going outside, in no way means that the kittens should be trained to do their business outside. They are not like dogs at all, and need litter boxes inside. They are especially too young to be outside at 4 weeks old and need to learn the litter box and to have it nearby.
P puppy stirfry
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