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  1. posiepurrs

    The 2024 Gardening Thread

    I finally finished planting the vegetable garden today. I planted my sugar pumpkins, sweet corn, pole beans as well as calendula, and several other flowers to pull in pollinators and the good bugs. I have onions, garlic, various hot peppers, peas, sweet peppers, tri color beans, purple hull...
  2. posiepurrs


    This past week was AWFUL! Not only did we lose Tabitha, but our Sheltie died on Friday night too. Nick was 11 and feeble. To lose both within days just ripped our hearts out.
  3. posiepurrs

    Question of the Day, Sunday May 5th

    We don’t really celebrate much of anything any longer. For example May 5 is our anniversary (47 years). Our exciting day was go to church and come home to do what we do every day- nothing. I do remember my kids and hubbys birthdays. None of the kids are married so no anniversaries to recall.
  4. posiepurrs

    Show (club/judge) type and colour preferences for Selkirks and British Longhairs?

    Since no one answered, I will tell you my experiences even though I did not show the breeds you asked about. As long as the cat has no disqualifying traits it should be okay to show. Now the breed standards describe what would be considered the perfect cat. In my breed (Persian) a lot is open to...
  5. posiepurrs


    We lost Tabitha today. She is out of the second litter born here at Posiepurrs, 15 years ago. The vet told me last year that she had a tumor on her liver. She adored my husband coming each morning to sit on his lap and at night to put him to bed. She will be greatly missed.
  6. posiepurrs

    This is good news

  7. posiepurrs

    Asking for good thoughts for Jack

    It hasn’t been mentioned. If I had the resources I would take him to the hospital that did his surgery when he blocked last year, but sadly my finances are limited. I am still paying off the operation from last year. He has several other serious issues along with the liver failing.
  8. posiepurrs

    Asking for good thoughts for Jack

    Not good news at the vets today. He has developed jaundice. Still won’t eat. I am syringe feeding him. The vet wanted to give the fluids one more day in hopes of him rebounding, but wasn’t optimistic. So tomorrow I take him in again, if no improvement I guess we will let him go. I don’t want to...
  9. posiepurrs

    Asking for good thoughts for Jack

    Jack is my icon photo. He is at the vets in liver failure, along with a couple of other problems. Vet isn’t very optimistic. He is trying fluids and B vitamins.
  10. posiepurrs

    Cozy Kitten Cattery

    I have heard of them and saw advertisements in the past of ‘rare’ colors for ridiculous prices. I would be hesitant to buy if she is still breeding.
  11. posiepurrs

    Question of the Day , Sunday, March 17th

    I read them over several times.
  12. posiepurrs

    My Persians don't know how to mate

    I am a former Persian breeder. Please consider the following: 1. Are they exemplary examples of the breed? If a breeding does not improve the breed I ( my opinion only) would not do it. 2 Do you have breeding rights on both? If not the kittens can’t be registered and pedigree would be...
  13. posiepurrs

    Show your beautiful cats please!!

    Sterling Lottie Jack and Mimi
  14. posiepurrs

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, March 5

    Cooking dinner. Yay, no more cooking!!
  15. posiepurrs

    Question of the Day - Monday, March 4, 2024

    I dress for comfort now ( I am old). I enjoyed dressing up when I was young, but truthfully I haven’t had a dress on in almost 10years!
  16. posiepurrs

    Preparation If Cat's Outlive You

    Keep in mind if you have a purebred, the breeder sometimes take the cat back. Personally, I have an agreement with a dear friend who is as nuts over her pets as I as mine. If I pass away, she will find homes for my babies. I trust her completely because we are of the same mind about the cats.
  17. posiepurrs

    The 2024 Gardening Thread

    I got some lettuce, broccoli, and cauliflower started inside today. I also started some flowers- more coneflowers and some asters. I also transplanted the dahlia seedlings into a bigger tray. Then I spent the afternoon clearing up the rest of the leaves off the lawn. I didn’t get it done in the...
  18. posiepurrs

    Question of the Day - Thursday February 22, 2024

    Sterling coming to my husband for some petting. He never does that! Sterling is totally my cat and I was thrilled he decided my husband was okay.
  19. posiepurrs

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    Feline chronic lymphocytic plasmacytic gingivostomatitis This link has a book available BUT if you scroll down there is a lot of good information without buying it. I used some of the dietary info when my cat, Boo was diagnosed. We never did full mouth extraction. In another article I read...
  20. posiepurrs

    Weird(?) things that I've been told

    I guess this sounds mean- that vet sounds a little screwy. I know some cats can be cured of fip. I have a friend who’s’ Burmese was cured, but it took quite a bit of time. My question would be what research does she base her claims on?