Search Results

  1. sophie1

    Can Boiled Egg Yolks be Used in Home Made Cat Food?

    Curious about why you don't eat the egg yolk yourself? It's nutritionally the best part of the egg.
  2. sophie1

    Home Made Cat Food

    Yes, keeping it simple is best especially if you're just starting. Less chance of making critical errors, and the routine will be easier and more sustainable. Just one caution: if you buy your meat from the grocery store, don't feed your cats raw ground meats - the chance of contamination is...
  3. sophie1

    Calculating the Amount of Bone in my Recipe

    To get the best estimate of the bone fraction in your recipe, you will indeed have to pull out and weigh all the bones. That way you'll have the info for the thighs you're buying. I personally would take out half the bones, because I know my cats can't tolerate more than 7% bone. The question...
  4. sophie1

    Can Grass-fed meat and organs create a Vitamin A imbalance

    It's almost impossible to overdose a cat on vitamin A from chicken livers - based on AAFCO nutrient min/max values, and the expected vitamin A content of chicken liver in the USDA database. Beef liver has a much higher amount of vitamin A, so you do have to be careful about excessively...
  5. sophie1

    Vital Essentials freeze dried raw

    Yes, I think you're entitled to conclude that the amount of bone in that food is likely very high. Still, they may be evasive for legal reasons rather than trying to hide something. I got a similar answer from Viva Raw, but I finally decided to try the food and use my cats' poop, vomit...
  6. sophie1

    Feeding freeze dried raw

    I've tried freeze dried. So many problems. High cost being one, it's the priciest form of cat food on the planet. When it's rehydrated it has a weird texture that my cats dislike. For brands that come in chunks, the larger chunks don't rehydrate well and they often cause my cats to throw up...
  7. sophie1

    Too dry poop - got stuck

    I've had this problem sometimes too.... One cause is too much bone in the food. You didn't say if you're feeding raw meaty bones or using Alnutrin with calcium, but if the former, try feeding a little less of that. Or, try switching from powdered to fresh liver. I know it's not pleasant...
  8. sophie1

    Canadians, boneless chicken thighs price?

    I've also noticed that food prices, especially meat and dairy, have been going up fast for the past several months. I'm mystified about why this isn't reflected in the reported inflation figures. There is simply no way to reconcile the prices that I see with the claim that overall costs are...
  9. sophie1

    Homemade cat food

    By the way....I've been wondering why is that so many cats are developing food allergies. I can't believe it's caused solely by the meat itself...more likely it's due to other ingredients in commercial dry or canned foods, which cats definitely never evolved to eat. Ultraprocessed foods are...
  10. sophie1

    Homemade cat food

    If the chicken allergy is definite and severe, you'll want to use Alnutrin egg-free with calcium, plus of course fish oil (I buy the Iceland unscented salmon or anchovy oil). Probably a good idea to start with that as a way to test whether the turkey diet will resolve whatever symptoms you're...
  11. sophie1

    Commercial raw food what is your cats favori

    Free feeding dry food means they'll never convert to raw. If you're serious about it, you'll have to switch your cats to dry food meals and then present them with raw food along with their dry, until they start eating the raw food (could take weeks or even months). Some have recommended...
  12. sophie1

    How many ounces raw meat should I give my cat?

    SImple rule of thumb: 2-4% of ideal body weight. More if younger active cat, less if sedentary cat. From there, you keep track of the cat's weight and body habitus. If they are getting fat, feed less. etc. If you're not sure if your cat is at ideal weight or not, your vet can tell you...
  13. sophie1

    Commercial raw food what is your cats favori

    I've gotten freeze dried foods that my cats love as a treat, but they never liked any of them once rehydrated. I think it has to do with the texture being weird. They're quite spoiled having been fed fresh raw food all their lives. They're doing well on Viva raw, intermixed with the last of...
  14. sophie1

    Commercial raw food what is your cats favori

    I tried Viva Raw's food....I really do like their ingredient list, and decided I could get a small delivery and use my cats' poop to judge bone content (since they wouldn't give me that information). I'm going through sheer hell right now between a very stressful and demanding job and caring...
  15. sophie1

    Mass in brain, should I even consider raw diet?

    I'm so sorry to hear about that...have you discussed prognosis with the vet? Also definitely worth discussing whether the vet considers the cat to be immune compromised. If so, then yeah, introducing raw may not be a good idea. I would feed the cat whatever he is willing to eat. Forcing a...
  16. sophie1

    New to raw - Is my cat's calcium intake too high?

    Good to know, thanks F+V! My vet isn't as forgiving about urine pH, but there's nothing to be done about it as long as the cat is otherwise ok, except to monitor. My cats get urinalysis with every visit now, and he has me using Pretty Litter which might help detect flare-ups. Also because of...
  17. sophie1

    Difficulties finding supplements Copper and Vitamin D

    Oh I see!! Makes sense. I had tried ordering freeze dried powdered liver as a solution for my cats. They HATED it.
  18. sophie1

    Stage 2 CKD - Raw Food Recipe

    Second. Boneless grinds from your favorite source + either EZ Complete or Alnutrin with Calcium. If you use the latter you will also need to include liver. Hare Today makes this easy by offering ground organs - I use 1/4 lb ground organ for each 1 lb ground boneless meat. If you need low...
  19. sophie1

    Difficulties finding supplements Copper and Vitamin D

    Why are you giving your cat vitamin D? They get that from liver, along with K and other fat soluble vitamins. It's not in Dr. Pierson's recipe, curious where you got that from? In any case, if you do take vitamin D3, you also need K2 (if you're a human, too). K2 is almost exclusively animal...
  20. sophie1

    New to raw - Is my cat's calcium intake too high?

    7.5 is a high pH. 7.0 is barely acceptable. What would be helpful is if there was a normal urine test in the past, so you have a comparison?