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  1. di and bob

    What Should You Be Doing Instead Of Being On TCS?

    Yuck, not good choices! I should be weeding the front flower bed, it is time to take one at a time and get them done. Sigh, time to get started!
  2. di and bob

    Teeth Extractions and Litterbox

    I agree, try to get another litter box somewhere, she may be stressed from the surgery and refusing to go where the new kitty smells are. If she is peeing and pooping NEAR the box, that means she wants to use it but something is preventing her. Changes in litter induces this too.
  3. di and bob

    Featured Can my pregnancy be affecting my kitty?

    Cats are very sensitive to smells, and she most likely is sensing/smelling your pregnancy hormones. If she seems normal except for the meowing, that is good. She most likely wants to be reassured by you that you are alright because of all the changes, not only in the household but also in you...
  4. di and bob

    Cat ate Jaxon Galaxy puzzle feeder nib! Advice needed.

    I am sure Jackson Galaxy toys would be nontoxic and safe, and it is smoth plastic, so it should be passed safely. Just monitor them both and as long as they keep eating/drinking/using the litterbox, everything should be fine. if one seems to be distressed and stops eating, get them in right...
  5. di and bob

    my cat isn't bonded with me anymore?

    Oh it's still there, he just picked SO as his number one. Cats bond with usually one person more and no one knows how they choose.....that doesn't mean he isn't bonded with you, he loves you too. You are doing nothing wrong, it is just another strange way cats have about them. Even parents of...
  6. di and bob

    Question of the Day, Saturday, June 1

    It's hard to choose between tacos adn coffee. It would have to be coffee then for number one, I am addicted.......:paperbag:
  7. di and bob

    Dental issues in senior cat w/ heart murmur

    Knowing about the heart problems is half the battle for surgery, they will be ready for anything that pops up. a heart murmur is very common in elderly cats, and elderly humans!
  8. di and bob

    Tigger's back at the vet in the morning

    I'll pray that her, stomach problems are no fun......maybe the lung infection being cured changed the way she now smells things and she can enjoy the catmint!
  9. di and bob

    Big kitty!

    Be careful, they like nothing more than a cat snack too!! That being said, what a sleek, beautiful creature!
  10. di and bob

    Now Samantha might have liver problems??

    Oh I know! It seems like everything is going well and then something always seems to come up. You are doing really all you can, you can’t bankrupt yourself. Keep your chin up, it’s hard sometimes, especially when the blows keep coming…..
  11. di and bob

    My little Pumpkin died today

    You are having PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder. It is almost impossible to escape it when you are grieving so hard. I was in HORRIBLE shape after my Chrissy died. I had a hand in her death and I will never be the same. Even though none of us would ever hurt our babies, accidents happened...
  12. di and bob

    My cat has went into kill mode towards her housemate, why?

    Redirected aggression. I've had cats like this after a vet visit, they attack any other cat, or pick out one, to attack. i have had it last a week. Try to redirect the attacking cat's attention when she focuses on the other. If she is not spayed, the hormones could be responsible, she is...
  13. di and bob

    Now Samantha might have liver problems??

    I'm so sorry, Les. All your cats are older now and these things happen with older cats and people. It hurts.......14 years old equals 72 years in a human, 21 over a hundred! I know as I age things keep popping up. All you can do is love them and care for them the best you can, you can't do...
  14. di and bob

    Masking Smell Of Prednisolone Pill Or Should I Try Liquid?

    My cats are chow hounds so have no problem eating their prednisolone pills hidden in half a feline pill pocket. i think the trick is to find something she really likes and hide ther pill in that. Give her a couple of pieces afterwards too to reward her. I put their liquid supplements mixed in...
  15. di and bob

    Not Covering His Poopers

    It menas the cat is really confident and feels safe so he sees no need to cover. Cats cover to hide their scent so predators will not know where they are, it is instinctive. I have one cat that does this, the rest cover. My cats run to the basement when company comes, so go poo down there, thank...
  16. di and bob

    New sick kitten+angry cat

    As long as your other cats are vaccinated and healthy they should be fairly OK. If he had distemper, your cats would be protected, Leukemia is iffy. I would have him tested like said above so you know for sure what you are dealing with. Please don't freak out until you know. it could be just a...
  17. di and bob

    What breed is my light ginger cat?

    Cats are not categorized by breed unless they are purebreds and have papers. Which the vast majority are not. Purebreds almost always have standard characteristics and colors, such as pointed on the Siamese with blue eyes, smashed face and long hair with the Persian, etc. Cats without proven...
  18. di and bob

    Question of the Day - Monday, May 27, 2024

    After a perm disaster over 40 years ago where I looked like a poodle, I have cut and styled my own hair at home. I colored it for many years at home too after seeing how aged my MIL was after letting hers go gray. Now that i am near 70 I don't color it for 6 months at a time, somehow the blond...
  19. di and bob

    Pretty sure my cat is pregnant

    I raise my kitten count to 3or 4! Thanks for the update. I pray she delivers safely……
  20. di and bob

    Bellatrix LeGray (17) joined her brother at the rainbow bridge on Wednesday

    You can tell she was content and well loved. What a beautiful face! I send my heartfelt condolences,it hurts so much to no longer have them in our daily lives....... One day the intense grief you feel right now will convert into gratitude for having her share your life for so many years. But...