Search Results

  1. nurseangel

    What is your dream cat?

    Manx, Manx, and more Manx.
  2. nurseangel

    A vacation question

    I'd take a cruise to almost anywhere. I don't know what I do, but there would definitely be a lot of eating involved.
  3. nurseangel

    Question of the Day, Sunday May 26th

    Mine used to be Andrew Wyeth and painting "Christina's World" in high school.
  4. nurseangel

    And Today

    I am hoping the dove recovered. Maybe the hawk was chasing the dove and it hit the window, knocking it unconscious. A bird flew into my windshield one time. It was rainy out. The windshield wiper hit it, too. I had my brother drive (after forcing him to get out and pick up the bird) and I...
  5. nurseangel

    Question of the Day, Sunday May 26th

    Hi y'all - my apologies for posting this a little early on Saturday night. What is your favorite famous painter? And a bonus question, what is your favorite painting? Mine is American artist Edward Hopper. As far as the bonus question, goodness, that is more difficult than I thought...
  6. nurseangel


    Your cat is gorgeous. I've never seen that before, but I am no expert. :agree:
  7. nurseangel

    A laugh a day

    That is hilarious. :lol:
  8. nurseangel

    Question of the Day, Saturday, May 25

    I like white bread. If I go out somewhere that has yeast rolls, that's what I like. If I go somewhere for dinner and they have stopped serving bread, I never go back to that restaurant. :paperbag:
  9. nurseangel

    Need help finding right concealer/foundation

    I would try out a BB cream that has a little color to it. BB creams are lightweight and more comfortable than most foundations. Sometimes I just use a BB cream and an inexpensive concealer stick.
  10. nurseangel

    Question of the Day, Friday 24 May Late Edition

    Pepsi, water, grapefruit juice, and Dr Pepper
  11. nurseangel

    Greetings and head boops to everyone

    Hi, and welcome from me and my crew. :thumbsup:
  12. nurseangel

    What Should You Be Doing Instead Of Being On TCS?

    Sleeping. I've been up over 24 hours, I think.
  13. nurseangel

    Question of the Day - Monday, May 20, 2024

    @IzzysfureverMom when I was pescatarian and ordered a frozen Coke at Burger King, it always tasted like meat near the bottom. :cringe:
  14. nurseangel

    Adopting 4 kittens

    Oh, my gracious! They are so adorable. Such unusual markings. Bless you for taking them in and if you need any help naming them, please just say the word. :thumbsup: And @VinceL I just noticed your location. We are practically neighbors.
  15. nurseangel

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    Oh, no! The plumber is here! Looks like it'll be Ramen noodles for dinner! Disclaimer: I love Ramen noodles. But this is really going to cost us. We called for a price check, and he just showed up at our house! He is now underneath our house. :paranoid: Update: The plumber says our...
  16. nurseangel

    Question of the Day - Monday, May 20, 2024

    Ketchup mixed with brown sugar on meatloaf and butter if I remember on steak. I don't use A1 but remember it from childhood. (I used to use ketchup on baked potatoes then, too.)
  17. nurseangel

    Starting a new job today!

    Congratulations! Glad your first day went well.
  18. nurseangel

    black stool in very senior cat

    Hi, black stools are generally caused by ingesting something that would cause the stool to darken or blood coming from someplace higher up the GI tract. That doesn't necessarily mean cancer, though it does sound like your boy needs some additional testing to find the cause. I hope everything...
  19. nurseangel

    Question of the Day, Sunday, May 19th

    I can't count any of the places I've lived (and Italy and pretty amazing), but I envy anyone who has been to the Keys @Mia6 .
  20. nurseangel

    Who still eats mcdonalds kentuky fried,etc ?

    I love that hot relish at Jersey Mike's. I don't eat there much, unless I have a coupon, but they're good.