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  1. IndyJones

    Remember Docktor Pet Centers?

    I'm not sure but I think here petstores are not allowed to sell kittens or puppies anymore. You can still buy fish reptiles and birds and pocket pets though. Honestly seeing how some treat the poor goldfish and betas I'm glad they don't sell puppies or kittens.
  2. IndyJones

    Anyone have good luck with Feliaway?

    When a product gets hot enough to melt the face off an electrical outlet I call it unsafe. Mine was actualy chared but still. Maybe I just had a bad one idk but if i hadn't been home my house could have caught fire.
  3. IndyJones

    Cloud fare

    Could you maybe provide an alternitive to facebook? Many people including myself don't use it.
  4. IndyJones

    Kitten Feed - How much LONGER?

    I just feed an all life stages food. Both Indy (7 years) and Bond (10 months) eat the same food that is for all life stages.
  5. IndyJones

    Anyone have good luck with Feliaway?

    A spray can like the kind hair spray comes in.
  6. IndyJones

    Anyone have good luck with Feliaway?

    Yes the plugins can melt! I had it happen and had to replace the outlet in the wall. Thwy also leave a slick on the wall and anything near them. They have a can that is safer.
  7. IndyJones


    Just last night Indy killed a huge centipeide (i hate those things, too many legs) then procieded to eat it right in front of me. I would have rathered it been a mouse.
  8. IndyJones

    Weight loss, ravenous appetite and vomiting

    The risk with the transdermal is actualy for people. When people apply it without gloves on it can cause hypothyroidism by soaking into the fingers. Iodine treatment is consodered the gold standard for hyperthyroid. If your cat has heart issues though they are poor candidates for it.
  9. IndyJones


    Shiba inu cat
  10. IndyJones


    Think its actualy meant to keep people from smashing the window with a rock to gain entry. They look a bit prisony for my liking.
  11. IndyJones

    New Born Kittens are tiny and lethargic

    I really don't know how to respond to this but this is an emergancy situation. How do you normaly get vetrinary care for this cat? Can you use your own money? Bleeding is not normal. Not if she already passed the placenta. Placenta or an aborted foetus could still be stuck inside her and if...
  12. IndyJones

    Who still eats mcdonalds kentuky fried,etc ?

    Seriusly if you like this kind of food get an air fryer. They cook it so much better than the fast food places.
  13. IndyJones

    Afraid of brooms and sticks

    I have noticed Bond has an irrational fear of brooms and anything stick shapped. If I grab the broom to sweep his eatting area he hides and slinks around with his eyes locked on the broom. If I get close he hisses or snaps at me. I'm not sure what this is about.
  14. IndyJones

    New toys

    I did build this box for Bond, its just a box made from scrap wood with holes drilled in it, the holes are more chewed up looking now than when this was taken.
  15. IndyJones

    New toys

    I really think its more a people toy than a pet toy, my cats hate those plastic things because of the loud noise they make. Its worse than the noise hotwheels make... Maybe i should try putting a hotwheels car in there instead of the screachy ball it came with...
  16. IndyJones

    Litter Robot Yearly Expenses?

    I know someone who had a cat genie and they hated it. It constantly clogged and if you've ever dealt with a clogged toilet this thing is even worse since you can't just take a plunger to it. It has both moving parts that can break and it can spew raw sewage onto your floor when it clogs. They...
  17. IndyJones

    Litter Robot Yearly Expenses?

    It doesn't wash it, only geinie does that (not recommended) they are prone to leaking and flooding the house since they require hookup to the plumbing. All the litter robot does is scoops the litter it does not wash or change it. With the litter robot, you will be paying the same as a regular...
  18. IndyJones

    Weird toy selections

    Both my cats love toilet paper rolls. Bond loves to just rip them appart.
  19. IndyJones

    Who still eats mcdonalds kentuky fried,etc ?

    Touch screens will make me leave a place almost instantly. I hate how tempermental they are and they are always filthy. Like people touch them without washing there hands first. You don't know where they have been. I have seen people use the washroom and not wash their hands, pick their nose...
  20. IndyJones

    Who still eats mcdonalds kentuky fried,etc ?

    I don't like mcdonalds really except the chicken nuggets. The burgers have a plasticy/chemical taste that I really don't like and the bread is soggy most of the time (why no toasted buns?) The fries taste like salt licks and are too soggy for my liking. I prefer unsalted foods I just don't like...