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  1. O

    Cat isn’t eating

    Warming it up a little can help as well … Orange likes a good dose of very warm water mixed in with his wet foods. I guess we all like a “hot” meal, lol
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    Eight year old Maine coon with chronic constipation

    Have you ever asked the vet about egg yolk? I know some folks here have used it successfully and it has worked at our house when we were desperate after being sent home from the vet because there was really no more they could do so “go home and see what happens” was the last suggestion they...
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    (Another) picky kitty question

    Oh man …. Sounds like you’ve got one serious Mr Persnickety over there. That’s all I got - besides Parmesan cheese shreds mixed in, the strong smell might help hide subtle differences in the food? Good luck 👍
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    (Another) picky kitty question

    Any kind of well loved treat that you could mix in/top off with that might convince him to give new food a go? Ours is a kibble junky (he only gets wet food, huge variety to keep him interested) so when we need to convince him to try something new, a little crushed up kibble mixed into the new...
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    Eight year old Maine coon with chronic constipation

    With pumpkin we were never crazy careful with measurements - it’s an organic, natural food so a little more or a little less each time never concerned me. If I’d tried a teaspoon of pumpkin all at once I think we would’ve had a turned up nose, a little dollop mixed in with the wet food 3x a day...
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    Eight year old Maine coon with chronic constipation

    Here we can get it at any human pharmacy - like Shoppers Drugmart or Walmart etc. not sure how it would be where you are. Hopefully the pumpkin works a treat and you’ll be back in the game.
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    Eight year old Maine coon with chronic constipation

    Not sure where you’re located, but in Canada lactulose is actually sold at every pharmacy for a lot cheaper than at the vet. No prescription needed, and the products are exactly the same except for the packaging. (We had the pharmacist compare it for us)
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    Eight year old Maine coon with chronic constipation

    We’ve tried a variety of suggested options, pumpkin, miralax, etc. but what works the best, and is a vet approved plan for him, is 3 ml (given 1 ml at a time mixed into his food) of lactulose along with about a teaspoon of pre-gelled chia seeds once a day. And when there’s a hiccup in his poop...
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    Help! Pawing at face and acting like in extreme pain

    Oh wow - I’m sorry to hear that, sounds like it’s been a very rough time for your household. I hope the medications work and he gets better quickly now.
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    Help! Pawing at face and acting like in extreme pain

    How long has he been on antibiotics? It can take a while for them to kick in and clear things up if the infection was bad. If you feel like something’s wrong, please follow up with the vet until you get some answers. Our experience with dental surgery was a rough one and while everything worked...
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    CBD Oil in Canada

    Awesome info - thank you. ❤ No other meds, clear bill of health other than the arthritis (and occasional constipation). We are new to adding hemp/cbd into our household. My only experience was years ago before it was legalized in Canada doctors could prescribe it for pain and my 70 father was...
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    CBD Oil in Canada

    Morning All! I've been doing the back reading on the site about CBD Oil and had a long chat with the vet over the weekend about starting Orange (15 year old Siamese, recent diagnosis with rear hip arthritis) on CBD Oil. We're going to give it a try and then go to Solensia at home injections if...
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    Not eating her regular food

    Hopefully you’re back on the right road :yess:
  14. O

    Should I be worried or is it just an off day?

    We have a fabric bag filled with oats/wheat/rice/flax that we bought at the local farmers market. You microwave it for a couple of minutes and it works great. I’ve put that out for him, so far no go. When I put it along the edge of his bed he just scoots to the far side and curls up over there...
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    Not eating her regular food

    If she’s not eating anything or very little then it’s definitely a call/trip to the vet. If it’s just that she won’t eat the purina - it could be a phase. Orange will always stop eating whatever food he had around a stressful time (like a vet visit). Sometimes we have to change flavours but...
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    My poor Puddy Tat

    I don’t have any advice for you (unhelpful I know) but I hope that things have settled down for you both and that someone with some experience in this area pops by to reply. Best wishes - keep us in the loop.
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    Should I be worried or is it just an off day?

    It’s been cool and rainy here for days too and we’ve had the windows open to bring in the fresh spring air so I’ve gone and closed them all up and we’ll get the oat bag nice and toasty for him to snuggle with. Thanks for the ideas that we can try right away :)
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    Should I be worried or is it just an off day?

    Thanks - a reminder to breathe is ALWAYS helpful. It’s easy to forget they can just have bad days too.
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    Should I be worried or is it just an off day?

    Hi everyone - Orange (15 yr old Siamese) didn’t eat any supper last night and today he’s been lethargic all day. He ate his breakfast like gangbusters, but at supper today he only picked at it until I sprinkled it with a little of his favourite treats crushed up. Litterbox usage has been good...
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    My little Pumpkin died today

    Perhaps heading over to shelter to meet the staff and the cats/kittens might be a good outing for you? They are all people that love animals and would be understanding of your grief. you’ve mentioned feeling very alone and this might be a way to open the doors to meeting others that share your...