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  1. I'm John

    I put my cat to sleep yesterday - asking for opinion

    I appreciate everybody's support. @di and bob @fionasmom You two have helped me heal. I don't know how I'd cope without your attention. I am from Czech Republic. If you ever want to visit Prague, send me a message and I'll guide you through. Or if there is any other way I could help you, if...
  2. I'm John

    I put my cat to sleep yesterday - asking for opinion

    Hey everyone, life's is going better. It has it's challenges, but it's going better. I am sometimes revisited in my dreams by my boy's brother that passed away 3 years earlier. Those are dreams with good mood. I'm sometimes being reminded of my boy through high pitched sounds. They sound like...
  3. I'm John

    At-home euthanasia... your experiences?

    1. I was not glad at all, but I think it was the best solution I knew. 2. He was unaware until the first shot started taking effect, then he started panicking and it was uncomfortable for him. However, there was less discomfort than if I had to drive him somewhere. 3. It was not that expensive...
  4. I'm John

    I put my cat to sleep yesterday - asking for opinion

    Still dreaming about my boy.
  5. I'm John

    I lost my baby and I can't stop crying

    I understand how you feel very well. My boy of 20 years crossed the rainbow bridge a few months ago. Things will get better for you. You did the right thing. Please remember that your girl would not like you to feel bad, as it would be against the principle of the love that is there and will be...
  6. I'm John

    I put my cat to sleep yesterday - asking for opinion

    @di and bob Yes. Today I had a dream about my cat sleeping with me in bed. He used to lie next to my arm and I would feel his cute snout on my palm. When I was waking up, I felt him there and I felt his snout. I sometimes hear him meowing. It could be some sounds from outside that remind me of...
  7. I'm John

    I put my cat to sleep yesterday - asking for opinion

    @di and bob Hello, I wish you well and thank you for your reply. @fionasmom That's really interesting. Thank you for your reply. I just wanted to say that sometimes I have "flashback dreams", where I dream about things that happened 10-15 years ago. It's surprising because I sort of forgot...
  8. I'm John

    I put my cat to sleep yesterday - asking for opinion

    An update from my side. I've had numerous dreams about my beloved black cat. The thing is that these dreams have always had some sort of deeper meaning and I believe it was my friend taking care of me. I've had numerous supernatural experience in my life. With my boy, for example, was that I...
  9. I'm John

    Guilty Feeling or Just Grief?

    Well, having a cat has certainly changed me in many ways. I became more aware of myself and my cats taught me respect and love towards myself. I became a vegetarian. I am currently not thinking about getting another pet (dog or a cat), although I really love them. Indeed it can be difficult to...
  10. I'm John

    the heartache is unimaginable

    I feel your pain and as @di and bob mentioned, focus on spending quality time with your cat. What I did when my boy started going into the direction of the rainbow bridge is that I used to talk to him about whatever I felt needs to be said. He understood when I apologized to him for something I...
  11. I'm John

    I put my cat to sleep yesterday - asking for opinion

    @di and bob I understand that you were shocked about what happened and being his mom, you wanted to educate him to be more careful not to fall from that counter again. You did that because he mattered to you and you watched over him. It means that he was important to you. While memories are...
  12. I'm John

    I put my cat to sleep yesterday - asking for opinion

    @di and bob Thank you for your response. I did not reply sooner because I had to think about what you wrote. I think we sometimes imagine loosing something precious because there is something precious to us that we love. @fionasmom Thank you as well for your response. I think about what you...
  13. I'm John

    I put my cat to sleep yesterday - asking for opinion

    @fionasmom Thank you! You really made me feel better. Just a quick update. All is going well. Sometimes I trip over a thought, but overall I am doing alright. I am trying not to be too hard on myself because I know that my cat would not like me to feel down. This morning I had a dream of him...
  14. I'm John

    I put my cat to sleep yesterday - asking for opinion

    @di and bob @fionasmom @FeralHearts Thank you very much, I really appreciate it. I'd like to say that I am feeling a bit less burdened by these recent events. There are moments of joy for which I am grateful. There are moments where I suffer very consciously. The thing is that the process...
  15. I'm John


    I very well understand how you feel as I am going through the same thing. You can always post your thoughts here and talk with us about your feelings. Take care.
  16. I'm John

    I put my cat to sleep yesterday - asking for opinion

    It's been some time already and I took the office chair my boy has been sleeping on. The dread is somewhat present inside me, as I sometimes smell the shot that the vet gave to my boy. There is no smell anywhere here, it's just my memory making it real. The smell of my boy was always very sweet...
  17. I'm John

    I put my cat to sleep yesterday - asking for opinion

    @fionasmom Thank you very much. Your words mean a lot to me. @hspot Love is a miracle and we all do our best. As someone said before in this thread, guilt is always present. Your cat would not like you to be hurt badly, which is why you should not blame yourself for not being there at the last...
  18. I'm John

    I put my cat to sleep yesterday - asking for opinion

    @marshmallow2013 Thank you. I appreciate it very much. @fionasmom Thank you. An update on my side is that I am working on keeping my mood up. I walk around 10km every day and exercise. I switched to a vegetarian diet and I aim to keep it that way, reducing the suffering produced by my...
  19. I'm John

    My sweet Louie

    Lovely cat. Calm and peace to his soul.
  20. I'm John

    Our Dear Phoebe

    I've been in a situation like this before and I feel your pain. May her sweet soul rest in peace.