Search Results

  1. KelWhit

    Freeze dried food without water

    I also feed S&C dehydrated dry but I only give it as a supplement (5-6 cubes per day) along with their raw homemade. I would just ensure she has clean water and or add more water to the wet food to aid in water intake.
  2. KelWhit

    Harness Training

    HI, my boys have been going outside for 6+ years. Harness type is really important for success. I’ve tried the wider chest harness (first 2 pics) and my boys don’t like it. You can see in the 3rd pic the two types of harness, Bob is in the red slim harness on the left, Frank is modeling the...
  3. KelWhit

    Calculating the Amount of Bone in my Recipe

    Thank you for your feedback. Their poop is firm and dry but i’ve never seen it white. And they are pretty consistent with going every other day, sometimes a few days in a row. I’m always worried because they aren’t drinking water, just what I add to their food when I’m warming it. I’ll try...
  4. KelWhit

    Calculating the Amount of Bone in my Recipe

    Hello, I’ve been feeding a raw homemade diet for a year now but I’ve been questioning if my recipe is complete. I’m following Dr Piersons recipe (but raw not cooked). I’ve used the guideline to remove 20-25% of bone from the thigh. For the recipe example, if you have 10 thighs remove 2...
  5. KelWhit

    Dental Care for Cats

    I’ve been using proden plaque off for my two boys for over a year now, it has the VOHC seal. Frankie had/has neck lesions (tooth resorption) and had 3 teeth pulled prior to using the proden. Even though I’ve been brushing their teeth since I got Frankie at 8 weeks and Bob at 5 months, they...
  6. KelWhit

    Can Grass-fed meat and organs create a Vitamin A imbalance

    He’s not acting any different and we did just go to the vet 2 weeks ago and they didn’t notice anything, no bloodwork was done just a physical. That’s why I’ve gone back through my recipes and info to ensure I’m not doing anything wrong. He’s not a playful cat, he’s 6 YO, but he loves when...
  7. KelWhit

    Can Grass-fed meat and organs create a Vitamin A imbalance

    great info, thank you for sharing
  8. KelWhit

    Can Grass-fed meat and organs create a Vitamin A imbalance

    good to know. It’s really hard to find solid information on the internet. There are a lot of contradictions. I’m going to go to a vet nutritionist in the next few months but I want to get their bloodwork done first. Thank you for your reply.
  9. KelWhit

    Can Grass-fed meat and organs create a Vitamin A imbalance

    I’ve read that grass fed meats and organs have higher nutritional content (eg higher amounts of Vitamin A, B, E…). I’ve been following Lisa Piersons recipe, but using raw not cooked chicken thigh) for about a year now. I’ve recently started using grass fed liver and i’m wondering if my boys...
  10. KelWhit

    Making Homemade Raw Cat food and Using ProDen Plaque-Off

    I have an LEM #12 grinder, and Frankie is underweight in my opinion. Although the Vet never says he is.
  11. KelWhit

    Making Homemade Raw Cat food and Using ProDen Plaque-Off

    Agree about not pursuing at that age. It's funny, Bob will eat a small "chunk" only while I'm grinding the meat but won't eat it in his food dish. If Frankie finds even a small chunk while eating his food, he will walk away from his food so I'm very aware of not having "chunks" in his food. I...
  12. KelWhit

    help with transitioning to raw food

    I'm glad you found something that is working. There are two enzymes, as I said, I was worried about the animal based because I've only fed chicken, turkey, duck and rabbit. I didn't want to chance Frankie having a reaction to beef or pig and make matters worse.
  13. KelWhit

    Making Homemade Raw Cat food and Using ProDen Plaque-Off

    I was hoping that by going to raw it would help their teeth and I wouldn't need to add the proden. I brush their teeth daily and faithfully. Frankie's teeth, the one who had dental issues, look great. But now Bob's teeth/gums look inflamed (Ugh!) I'm happy that your cat is doing well. Does...
  14. KelWhit

    help with transitioning to raw food

    I know I'm late to the post but I have two cats that I recently transitioned to raw from kibble and canned wet. Bob took to the raw after a week of adding it into his wet food. Frankie (9lb cat who is naturally thin) was more particular and was more difficult to transition but I think the raw...
  15. KelWhit

    Making Homemade Raw Cat food and Using ProDen Plaque-Off

    Hello, I have two cats, Bob (6 YO) & Frank (5 YO), who started using Proden Plaque-Off in March 2023. Frank has a history of neck lesions (tooth resorption) and has had 3 teeth pulled already. In May 2023, I decided to start making homemade raw diet, and I was able to transition them both off...
  16. KelWhit

    Does anyone give their cats kefir?

    One of my cats likes kefir, but I only give it in small quantity (eg 1 teaspoon) and not every day. It hasn't caused any GI issues for him. I use whole milk to make kefir.
  17. KelWhit

    Teeth brushing questions

    I have two boys (5 and 6), I have been brushing their teeth since they were kittens. I brush daily because they like routine (I brush their coats and then their teeth). I mainly use Vrbac with a toothbrush, but recently switched to a piece of sponge which seems less abrasive. Even though I do...