Search Results

  1. BellaBlue82

    Post pics of calicos, tortieshells and orange cats here!

    Sadie got spoiled this weekend. A new Yeow banana kicker, and mom splurged on a furminator slicker brush!! The icing on the cake? Watching birds. 😼💕
  2. BellaBlue82

    Work from home assistants

    SUCH good notes. They read.. ehem.... " meow. Mew mew me wooowwww, mew. meow. Mrp." 😹
  3. BellaBlue82

    Cat has been losing weight but vet can't find anything

    I may be missing it, but did your vet also check glucose levels? My GA cat Nico had lost 3 lbs in 3 months, very tired and not eating a lot. We were very concerned. Vet did blood work with a glucose check and found he had onset diabetes. It still may be dental related, but just wanted to mention...
  4. BellaBlue82

    Work from home assistants

    I was lucky enough to have my assistant stand in on a conference call last week. Thank goodness, because I needed a restroom break. 😼 i
  5. BellaBlue82

    How can you tell when your cat is relaxed?--Post your pictures here

    I love this picture of Julian. We play records on the weekends, and he'll jump up on the couch and just chill with us. The way he sits cracks me up. Lol
  6. BellaBlue82

    Feline Funny Haircuts

    Literally looks like Puss in Boots teehee
  7. BellaBlue82

    Should I be concerned about muscle atrophy?

    Wow, I had no idea about the phosphorus! That is good to know. I haven't experimented with Myos yet and Sadie is luckily not as risk for CKD, but it's still worth keeping in mind. I try to make good choices for her knowing that her body has to process steroids constantly, which is why I try more...
  8. BellaBlue82

    Should I be concerned about muscle atrophy?

    I understand your concerns about muscle atrophy. I'm in agreement that blood work sooner might be a good idea as cats are great maskers of issues that go on inside their bodies. Sadie has low grade atrophy/waste because she's on lifetime steroids for an autoimmune disease, but there are options...
  9. BellaBlue82

    Picture of the Month Competition: May 2024: "It wasn't me"

    Entry: Nico "What door stopper? This is my rabbit kicker."
  10. BellaBlue82

    Constipated cat and medical roller coaster

    When we adopted Julian last year, he was very skinny. He was a year and a half and only weighed 7 lbs, with an extremely underweight body composition hidden mostly by his fur. The poor guy would eat and eat, but then I noticed it would be days for him to have a BM. I had our vet check him out...
  11. BellaBlue82

    My cats wet food only reviews

    I love this theme! Sadie would like to add some notes for me as well: Fancy Feast Turkey Pate. Mom knows I love pates, but I like the turkey most. Can't eat the chicken because it has fish in it which makes my tummy upset. I also sometimes eat the salmon, if I'm in the mood. Salmon is ok, and...
  12. BellaBlue82

    Feeding freeze dried raw

    I use Stella and Chewy' freeze dried chicken. I don't rehydrate, simply because my carnivorous monsters don't seem to like it that way! They like the texture of it dry, and to chew it (they don't get any dry food, so this is like their treat.) Sometimes I do have to break them up for the...
  13. BellaBlue82

    Picture of the Month Competition: April 2024: Cats and Clothing

    NOT AN ENTRY I just had to toss these on here... Had me going down memory lane a bit. I bought more clothes for this guy than myself one year. 🤣
  14. BellaBlue82

    Picture of the Month Competition: April 2024: Cats and Clothing

    Entry: Casper. Wearing his "I'm on the naughty list" hoodie. The one cat I ever knew who liked to wear sweaters or sweatshirts because he was cold in the winter. Lol RIP little buddy. ❤️
  15. BellaBlue82

    Red eye

    Awwww, so wonderful to hear!! Isn't it amazing what a good diet will do for a coat? Our newer family member (adopted May of last year) had such a burly rough coat, it made my skin itch. He didn't have much of a history to share either, other than he was surrendered. I often wonder about his...
  16. BellaBlue82

    Cat is meowing after eating and seems like she's in pain

    Aw, Henry is beautiful! 😍❤️ I'm glad she is doing better. I can empathize with the anxiety piece, after going through a years worth of blood draws every two weeks for Sadie she had quite a time adjusting to knocking at the door. She still doesn't come out for visitors, but at least she no longer...
  17. BellaBlue82

    How did you memorialize your pet?

    I have all three past kitties ashes in beautiful oak boxes, a clay paw print on little easels in front of them, a small "treasure" box with their favorite toy and a whisker or tuft of fur, and a digital picture frame that rotates through various photos. The nice thing about the picture frame is...
  18. BellaBlue82

    Cat is meowing after eating and seems like she's in pain

    How is Henri doing? I hope better! I just dropped in to share Sadie's update, since she had something similar. The vet checked her teeth and gums as well, and while she does have a few not so great areas she didn't see anything that was too concerning. However - she noticed she had some eye and...
  19. BellaBlue82

    At what point should I get worried about my cat not pooping?

    Jojoba is beautiful!! 💕 I agree, I have had two cats in my life (one currently) that go every other day, just about. But his poos are nice shaped not too soft or hard. We did have a scare a month back where he didn't go for 5 days 😬 and miralax just made him super gassy. He did eventually go...
  20. BellaBlue82

    Cat is meowing after eating and seems like she's in pain

    I'm sorry Henry is having issues! 🥺 Sadie is also having some dental issues at the moment, she would eat her wet food but the moment it hit whatever sensitive area she would jerk up and run down the stairs. She would get hungry, but be weary of eating. Since she has an autoimmune disorder we...