Search Results

  1. D

    How high is safe for a cat tree for a litter of kittens?

    I've never had a litter (new foster parent). I've a terrifying picture of a tiny kitten making it all the way to the top of a 72" cat tree and then falling off. What height - and type of cat tree is best?
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    Magic trick to get cats to drink water...

    I doubt I'm the original inventor lol. But I just came up with this. I put hot water (which quickly cools) in a water dish with 4-5 Temptations treats. They soften fast, and after half an hour I pulverize them with a fork and stir. The resulting water drives my cat insane!
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    Too dry poop - got stuck

    I just nearly traumatized my poor Bug. Chunk of poop, part sticking out, she was upset so I gently pulled it out, more upset. She has eaten raw food (with Alnutrin and liver powder per their instructions) for a year now, she is two. She loves it and eats it all. However she no longer touches her...
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    How many ounces raw meat should I give my cat?

    that is a very good point. thank you. it is from the fridge. i will try giving it a quick nuke. thx!
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    How many ounces raw meat should I give my cat?

    I'm wondering how to determine how many ounces of raw meat I should give my cat. She is one year old, healthy spayed female, 9lbs, been on raw diet for six months. I make 5lbs chicken and 1lb pork (I add Alnutrin and liver powder). Put it in a muffin tin to freeze, each muffin is about three...
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    Can my one year old become overweight from raw food?

    My sweetheart, Bug, is about 15 months, and I've fed her only raw meat since about six months now. She has a gorgeous silky coat and is active, she appears the picture of health. But darn it all if she isn't chubby now. She gets raw chicken mostly, with some pork and turkey, and I use Alnutrin...
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    How many pets are too many?

    Thank you all so much!
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    How many pets are too many?

    My beautiful and incredibly snuggly one-year-old cat Bug ticks all the boxes for "is your cat lonely?". We were thinking about a kitten. We live in a 1500 sq ft home and there is plenty of room for Bug. A second cat - I think so. But then my roommate is getting a puppy in a year or two (mini...
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    A scoop for horse pellet litter?

    Oh my goodness, thank you-all, yes that's what I meant. I didn't even realize pellet bedding was common enough for its own scoop. Thanks, I will get one!
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    A scoop for horse pellet litter?

    I've recently switched to horse pellet bedding for kitty litter (I found it pretty widely recommended). I've been slowly adding more and more to the original Arm&Hammer clumping litter, and my one-year-old seems to be fine with it. But darn if those pellets won't sift through my litter scoop...
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    Very healthy 14-month-old cat has runny nose

    Hello all! my darling kitten/just-turned-cat is doing great. I feed her a raw meat diet using Alnutrin and liver powder according to the recipe, and she has gorgeous fur, does torpedo zoomies, and loves on me. When she was around 10 months I think, she had a runny nose, just clear liquid, she...
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    Toys big enough to not be batted under furniture/doors

    Found it on their website - but it doesn't mention if the catnip is refillable?
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    Toys big enough to not be batted under furniture/doors

    Hello! My one-year-old rescue, Bug, is doing so well, playing, affectionate. She has a catnip mouse she loves, and I'm going to get her also a squeaky toy. However all the toys I can find can be batted under furniture or doors. We have uninhabited areas of the house, so toys can get lost for...
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    Can I use my new water fountain without any filters?

    Now that sounds amazing, I had been wondering about clogs in the pump. Thank you, I will do that! Thank you, that makes sense. I think I will ask on a separate post about what can be added to fountain water to make it tasty. (Mine is filtered but she still isn't using it.)
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    Can I use my new water fountain without any filters?

    The brand name on Amazon is Misfans, Chinesium I guess. Pic attached. It has the round filters, one a sponge foam, one a charcoal. I've been reading extensively on using a water fountain without a filter so it doesn't get gross. I've removed those two to see if it helps, as they smelled up...
  16. D

    Is there a slow feeder bowl for a raw meat diet? chunks only?

    My 1-yr-old cat is loving her raw meat diet, but will only eat chunks, nothing ground. She bolts her food, and throws up often. I can't use the standard slow feeder bowls as the chunks stick out and she just carries on gobbling. Has anyone had this issue?
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    Can I use coffee filters in the water fountain?

    I have this: MISFANS Pet Water Fountain Stainless Steel. Basic chinesium, I know, but seems very well made. I've had it a week, just went to clean it. The water pump is fine, but to me, the filters smelled a little off. Can I replace the (expensive-to-replace) filters with coffee filters? far...
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    Opinions on using the Alnutrin supplements?

    Great, thank you, exactly what I needed to know.
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    Opinions on using the Alnutrin supplements?

    Can I pick your brain again? there seems to be both defatted and non-defatted? how should I choose. I'm just mixing it with fresh ground turkey, pork and beef. Thanks!
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    Opinions on using the Alnutrin supplements?

    Lil' bit confused. What if I don't have any fresh liver at all? can I use the freeze-dried for the whole thing? Thanks!