Search Results

  1. FeebysOwner

    Default font size?

    You just changed the font size to all of these posts besides my initial one. Was that deliberate? Also, here goes just randomly picking a font to change this post (I picked 18pt). Once I pick a font, then it shows that size highlighted.
  2. FeebysOwner

    Um, what do I do about paint on my cat’s nose?

    I'd try some olive oil with a soft cloth to try to remove it.
  3. FeebysOwner

    Default font size?

    Just tried with my post above, and again there is no font size highlighted.
  4. FeebysOwner

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    And, the peeing on clothes was stopped by removing them from anywhere he could get to? Does he now, and then, go to the litter box to poop? Sorry if you have told us and I forgot. I honestly don't have any Ideas for you, other than what you are going to try. besides my other suggestions. I...
  5. FeebysOwner

    Default font size?

    I've noticed that when I create a post and click on the font size, there is nothing highlighted. And, you can't cheek the font size on any already posted items. Just curious as I recently copied and paster some text from a MS Word file and was notified that the print was so small that the mods...
  6. FeebysOwner

    Featured Hyperthyroid Diagnosis

    My cat started on Felimazole when her T-4 was 4.5. Initially I gave her just 1.25mg twice a day because I didn't want to overdo it with a larger dose. With methimazole, that would have been pretty difficult. Felimazole comes in 2.5mg, so getting it cut in half was 'doable'. Now, she needs...
  7. FeebysOwner

    Thoughts on an overnight cage cage/bedroom?

    As long as they don't mind, and they have all their necessities available to them, then it works for your situation. The key is probably 'training' them to have accepted this lifestyle since they were kittens. and, people do that with dogs all the time. I personally have never done it, but then...
  8. FeebysOwner

    Featured Hyperthyroid Diagnosis

    The only word of caution about this approach is that the crushed pill should really be added to just a bite or two of food or treat to ensure it is all ingested/ I crush my cat's thyroid meds and mix it with either a bite of food or a lickable treat. It seems to be OK this way for her to eat...
  9. FeebysOwner

    Kitten Experienced Severe Neurological Episode, Can't Walk – Seeking Advice and Similar Experiences

    I guess I would stick with the current therapy and as said above let us know how things go. You can always pursue the cause of the seizure at a later time.
  10. FeebysOwner

    Kitten Experienced Severe Neurological Episode, Can't Walk – Seeking Advice and Similar Experiences

    I am going to guess it is some kind of anti-inflammatory/pain med and the assumption is that there is swelling in that area that is impeding movement. But, that doesn't explain the seizures or what they are from, or what needs to be done for them. Did the vet say what comes next after this...
  11. FeebysOwner

    Kitten Experienced Severe Neurological Episode, Can't Walk – Seeking Advice and Similar Experiences

    I don't really know what mesotherapy is, ow it applies to your kitten's situation, or what it is supposed to do for your kitten. Did they explain it to you?
  12. FeebysOwner

    Kitten Experienced Severe Neurological Episode, Can't Walk – Seeking Advice and Similar Experiences

    Are you talking about leaving her somewhere, or giving her up? If so, then you would lose control over what happens to her. Most specialty groups don't 'adopt' cuts, they evaluate them, and nothing is done without your approval. As a general rule, they don't keep cats, but rather have an appt...
  13. FeebysOwner

    Kitten Experienced Severe Neurological Episode, Can't Walk – Seeking Advice and Similar Experiences

    Hi. It this is truly epilepsy it should be controllable with the proper meds. But, the back leg issue needs to be further investigated. I would recommend you go to a specialty group that has a neurologist on staff that can, along with an internal med vet, better assess what is going on. This is...
  14. FeebysOwner

    Featured Hyperthyroid Diagnosis

    There is a transdermal version of methimazole that you apply to the upper portion of the inner ear. Maybe that is something that could be done at the end of a brushing session? Although I believe it too needs to be done twice a day. So, ask your vet about it. A lot of vets go gang-busters with...
  15. FeebysOwner

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    Just curious - what stopped Jakey from peeing on clothes/bed and the sleeping there when he was younger? Most of the traditional things to do to 're-train' a cat to use a litter box probably won't apply to Jakey as most cats don't like to pee and then sleep in the same spot. In most cases, it...
  16. FeebysOwner

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    Have you had any discussions with the vet about an anti-spasmodic? If it were me I would want to rule that out as a possible cause. Spasms can cause uncontrollable urination. Most cats don't typically pee in their hang out or laying spots, even when it is behavioral. I sincerely think there is...
  17. FeebysOwner

    Limbic Encephalitis - Rare autoimmune disease and seizures

    Hi and welcome to TCS, despite what brought you here. The first thing I did was search this site to see if any other members have ever posted about their cats having this disorder - and found none. I am amazed to find so much information on the internet but did not see any forums specific to...
  18. FeebysOwner

    Cat with dry neuro FIP - behaviour

    Hi. I agree about joining the FIP Warriors, if you haven't already. That group is dedicated to FIP and it is highly likely they will have some thoughts on what could be going on. Home ( As you said, he is very early into treatment, and it is possible the FIP will progress...
  19. FeebysOwner

    Underweight five week old kitten

    Hi. Can you glean any information from this web site, until other more knowledgeable members come along and see your post? Bottle Feeding — Kitten Lady
  20. FeebysOwner

    elevated potassium--concern?

    Hi. I am not aware of gabapentin causing an elevation in potassium, but that doesn't mean it can't. I would wait until you can talk to the vet about that and all of his results before trying to do anything about it. I am a bit surprised that you received a call about it with no advice as to...