Search Results

  1. JAL57

    Featured Indoor/outdoor cat frantic for food

    Hi all. I’m not sure what to do about a cat who has been showing up on my doorstep meowing frantically for food. My cats are indoor only, and I’m wondering about how well cared for this roamer is. Some backstory: I first noticed this cat in my neighbor’s yard. He was really friendly but had no...
  2. JAL57

    Chasing behavior

    Hey fellow cat servants. I’m exasperated because I’m approaching the two-year mark of the introduction process for my nearly 4-year-old cat and my 2-year-old cat. And yesterday, my older cat busted out from behind the gate and chased her younger sis around the house. This is only the third or...
  3. JAL57

    Exotic pet trade 🤨

    So I was scrolling through cute cat posts on Instagram when all of a sudden Meta decided to cough up a post that was not like the others. It was a morally reprehensible video by some brain-dead vanity case who had a) bought an African serval, and b) filmed herself taunting it with a vacuum...
  4. JAL57

    Cats are not Blockbuster videos

    Question for everyone here: How do you serve as a resource for people who don’t see cats as family members, but disposable objects? A relative of mine has next door neighbors who have now adopted and returned three kittens. With the first two, I gather the kittens got diarrhea once and they...
  5. JAL57

    Delighted to have found this forum

    Hi everyone. So glad to see this forum is pro-spay/neuter and anti-declawing. I have two cats who are basically frenemies right now. I hope someday they will be full friends. Pictures below. I never thought of myself as a cat person until a family member suggested she might get a cat and keep...
  6. JAL57

    Celery Pets Lollipop Cat Treats?

    Hi everyone. So I saw a product advertised on Instagram that appeared from the ingredients description to be healthy for cats. Only after I bought it did I realize it’s from China. The brand is Celery Pets and the product is called “Lollipop Cat Treats.” Does anyone have any experience with...