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  1. tiggerwillow


    Two girls are making sure the catmint is making smells ❤️
  2. tiggerwillow

    Tigger's back at the vet in the morning

    She needs plenty of love from her TCS internet meowmys and purrpas, she's having her solensia and I've noticed as well that felix cat food - since the lung infection she had - seems to cause her tummy ache, having to try figuring out what else is causing her tummy upsets as she had a upset tummy...
  3. tiggerwillow

    Cloud fare

    It keeps saying cloud fare error a lot when I try coming here Idk if it's a phone thing, or on the forum end Idk what a cloud fare is but whatever it is apparently it doesn't like me cause I broke the internets
  4. tiggerwillow

    Accessing TCS easily from phone

    Could we have a app thing to put on our phones, that we can open on our phones that comes straight here? Not sure if I'm making sense The mental health forum I go to has one
  5. tiggerwillow

    Tigger and Willow

    Before a growly woof scared Willow back inside
  6. tiggerwillow

    Claw clipping (back claws)

    I think Willow needs to have her back claws clipped, is this something I can persuade her into allowing at home? I can normally do her front claws but she gets annoyed about if I touch her back paws, and can get reactive and nippy I saw some pink on her paw tonight and checked it wasn't...
  7. tiggerwillow

    What weird things are your cats afraid of?

    What are your cats afraid of? (Weird things only) Feel free to quote people to explain the random object fear as well Willows has a fear of pasta, she gets very scared and agitated when I'm eating it, for some reason best known to herself
  8. tiggerwillow


    Tigger feeling up to a short explore outside, she's resting now, a 15 minute walk round the garden has taken it out of her ❤️
  9. tiggerwillow

    Lung infection question

    So to encourage Tigger a bit, I let her have a little explore of the garden (her lung infection is affecting her mental health I suspect, I think being inside 24/7 was starting a depression in her) She's really perked up at the moment after that smell, however a neighbour allowed a older kitten...
  10. tiggerwillow

    A cat-style ban game

    This game is one where you name something your cat or cats will ban from their territory, sensible or silly its up to the human whether its a sensible answer or silly answer Willow is starting: she will ban pasta because it's a scary cat-eating monster (she's always had a fear of it, for some...
  11. tiggerwillow

    Panic attack ?

    A couple of times Tiggers breathed really fast for a few seconds, not very long, seen it twice recently and not sure what's going on First time, she was curled up in bed so I couldn't see if she was awake or asleep - she could of been dreaming about a Mousie 🐁 Second time I got in from work...
  12. tiggerwillow

    Positive feedback

    Are we allowed to post it, or is it the same as with complaints and we have to send it in a message?
  13. tiggerwillow


    Question about this article from here, Willow gets very anxious and stressed when stuff is happening outside that disturbs her routine - it can even be something like a smell getting in through the door For example, today, a stupid neighbour across the...
  14. tiggerwillow

    Claw trimming

    Is there a way to trim claws without causing a lot of stress? Willow absolutely hates having her claws trimmed, just trimmed them cause they really needed doing, she got shouty and scratchy, I was lucky I didn't get nipped at by her, literally as soon as I touched the first claw with the...
  15. tiggerwillow

    Tigger's leg

    The vet has said her leg will get worse - as in will, not if but when (last appointment) She's booked in for her next injection I'm worrying about her future If her leg starts to affect her quality of life, what will happen to her? Vet has said previously as they are not sure what damage the...
  16. tiggerwillow

    Fear aggression towards small children

    Is it possible to teach Willow that she doesn't need to pin her ears back and fly towards the gate to get children walking home from school to back off? She only ever does that in the yard, she'd rather run away from the scary children but when she's in the yard she seems to feel threatened by...
  17. tiggerwillow

    Worming treatment

    I can't get any of the worming treatment I used to use (spot on one that does both roundworms and tapeworms, spot on version, not the tablets) Tablets are no good cause Willow bites them into pieces then drops them on the floor covered in the foam from her mouth when she's trying to get rid of...
  18. tiggerwillow

    Hand feeding

    Putting this here cause I'm not sure if its a health thing or a behaviour thing Over the last few days, Tigger's not wanted to eat until I hand feed her a few mouthfuls, then once she's had a couple of mouthfuls she will start to willingly eat from the dish (I have flat dishes that both girls...
  19. tiggerwillow

    Tigger exploring

    Didn't get photos of Willow, she decided a spider was pulling faces at her so she came back in all offended :catrub: Spidey was going ner ner Willow says :redtongue::lol2:
  20. tiggerwillow

    Was I reading too much into this from years ago?

    Ebony (Rainbow Bridge baby) seemed to know if a car had the word "police" on the side of it, or a police van, every other vehicle including ambulance, fire, etc she was like oh ok it's one of them is it, where they going (neighbourhood watch, feline style) As soon as a vehicle arrived that said...