Search Results

  1. Cat McCannon

    Just Passing Through…

    Mule deer passing through our yard
  2. Cat McCannon

    I Am Close To Tears

    It's amazing how such small creatures loom large in our hearts. About a month ago, a 4 month old grey striped tabby was caught in the live trap our landlord keeps on the property to catch predators that prey on his rabbits & chickens. The kitten was frightened and when I released her, she turned...
  3. Cat McCannon

    Cat's Paw

    Here's a fun online "Easter Egg". Go to Google and search for CAT. There will be a cat paw print. Click on it. Then, click anywhere on the Google page. Then rapidly click while moving the cursor all over. Have fun!
  4. Cat McCannon

    Your Favorite Offbeat Christmas Carol

    We all know- and love- the classic Christmas Carols. White Christmas. Jingle Bells. Good Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. But I’d like to hear your favorite offbeat, odd and unusual Christmas Carol. Here’s one of mine-
  5. Cat McCannon

    What Does The Jeep Have To Do With Cat Food??

    I’m glad you asked! The wife and I took the Wrangler down to Sand Hollow for a two day trip. It’s the first time we’ve left Belle on her own overnight. We topped off her water fountain and left a couple of paper plates with dry food for her. I was worried about her going hungry, so I left...
  6. Cat McCannon

    Tell Tale Tails

    Cats have inscrutable faces, but their tails, whether they're twitching with barely contained excitement or in agitation or puffed out in fright or carried high in a confident queue, always tell the tale. Show us your cat's tail in action and tell us what tale the tell tale tail is telling...
  7. Cat McCannon

    Inside The Mind Of A Cat

    Want to know more about your cat? Netflix has recently released an hour long documentary about current research into the mysteries that is cat, by people who love cats. "Inside The Mind Of A Cat' well done and while some findings aren't a surprise for those who share a strong bond their cats...
  8. Cat McCannon

    I Need This Sign!

  9. Cat McCannon

    With Tears In My Eyes, I Beg You

    Do not let your cats outside unsupervised. I cannot tell you the number of dead cats I’ve seen laying in the road in recent weeks. During a recent road trip across three western states, I saw cat carcasses every other day. It’s heartbreaking because it’s preventable. This week alone, on the...
  10. Cat McCannon

    Cat Scat- Dark & Hard?

    I've noticed Belle's scat has been dark and hard looking. At first, I wrote this off to the litter sucking out the moisture but today, I decided to put on a pair of gloves and break a few open to see what I could see. To my surprise, the inside of her scat was made up of fur. Belle is fed...
  11. Cat McCannon

    Dear Belle,

    Dear Belle, You were a skinny, half grown, half starved little girl frightened out of your wits when we took you in. Now look at you. Almost a year later and you've grown to be quite the young lady. A very elegant, well mannered young lady. Oh, there has been some drama along the way, like the...
  12. Cat McCannon

    In The Wind...

    At the end of the month, we're driving Serenity (our motorhome) to Moab to take a family rafting trip on the Colorado River. Rather than leave Belle home alone for three days, we plan to take her with us. I bought a Kitty Holster harness & leash in bright green with reflective stripes. We've...